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A few weeks later and the house was back to normal. New furniture had been put in the rooms and new glasses had been brought. What had looked like an absolute destructive palace was now a neat and organised haven. Well, it would be if the arguing wasn't a consistent problem. That was the only sign that the family wasn't perfect. Of course all of these things were hidden behind closed doors. As much as Vienna wanted to get help for her parents, they had already threatened her that if she even tried to tell anyone anything, then they would beat her black and blue. This terrified her since Miss Moore knew that they argued, but they had said this after she had told Miss Moore and after they had trashed the house. So technically, anyone she told before they threatened her didn't count. That reassured her slightly, but not enough to prevent her from instantly withdrawing from Miss Moore, avoiding her in the corridors and not daring to look at her in class. Obviously that caused problems between them, especially considering that they had shared an intimate moment. Both knew they needed to talk about the situation, but with Vienna avoiding Miss Moore at all costs, that talk wasn't happening any time soon. Well, unless the teacher dragged her into a cupboard it wasn't happening. Every time Miss Moore asked Vienna to stay behind after class, she made sure she was the first out. That was until today of course. Miss Moore had once again asked Vienna to stay behind, and she was clearly tired and worn out with the situation. Standing up a few minutes before the bell went to signal the end of the period, Miss Moore walked to the door and waited there. When the bell went and Vienna tried to run past her, she grabbed her arm and went to pull her back in, but she didn't have a strong enough hold on her, meaning that with the rush of the other students and the weight of Vienna trying to get away, she lost her. But that didn't stop her. Today she chased her. She followed her every move. Dodging students as they made their way to their lessons, weaving through corridors that led down to a part of the school that was never used. It was going to be torn down in the summer. Rounding a corner, Miss Moore skidded to a halt. She looked around. Vienna had disappeared. Literally. It was a dead end. There were two door on either side of the corridor. Going to the first one, she tried the handle. It was locked. She looked at the door on the opposite side of the corridor. That one was also locked. Going to the last one of the left side, she discovered that too was locked. With only one door left, Miss Moore ran to it and pulled the handle. It opened. And the room was completely empty. There was no tables, no chairs, no cabinets, nothing. The room was stripped of all items of furniture. There was nowhere that Vienna could have gone to hide. Confusion took over her. She turned around and walked back out of the room, closing the door quietly behind her. Slowly, she walked out of the dead end and rubbed her temples. A headache was beginning to brew in her mind. She could not comprehend how Vienna had disappeared. Looking around carefully, she searched for another place the girl could have run to and she came up empty. There was nowhere else apart from the route that had taken her here. All she wanted to do was talk to her. They both needed to talk. For one thing the kiss they shared needed to be addressed. Jolene knew she was out of line, but she had to. She had so much sexual frustration built up that was caused by Vienna that it had consumed her on that day. The problem was, she wanted to help Vienna. Yet, helping her meant being very close to her and she was starting to find that controlling the very dark, primal and extremely carnal side of her was becoming too difficult. The moment she kissed her a chest had been unlocked, and locking it back up was as difficult as lifting a thirty tonne weight with your nail on your pinky finger. The only thing she could do was to try and bury it all beneath layers of god knows what. Besides all of this, Jolene knew that Vienna was a lost girl in desperate need of help and she was just as desperate to help her. However, she was unable to do that with Vienna constantly running from her. As she walked back to her classroom, she formulated a plan in which the darker side of her began to jump up and down with joy.

The next day, Vienna walked into the classroom completely unaware of the events that were going to unfold. Miss Moore wasn't at the front of the classroom. Instead, there was some old man, clearly a supply teacher at the front. Vienna walked to her seat. "Are you Vienna by any chance?" The man said. Vienna looked up and nodded. "Right well, there was a note left that you need to go the old unused block to meet with the headteacher," the man said again. Vienna nodded. This was a common occurrence for her. But the old block was a difference. She didn't think anything of it and simply left the classroom. She walked to the old block and walked down all the corridors. She called for the headteacher a few times and with no response was about to turn back. The sound of a door shutting caused her to continue down to a dead end. A door at the end of the corridor opened and Vienna walked into the empty room. She walked in as far as the middle of the room before turning to leave. The door was then shut and locked and she was faced with the one person she wanted to avoid. Miss Moore. Gulping, Vienna began to back up as the teacher began to advance towards her. "You've been avoiding me," she stated.

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