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The cheers that erupted from the students was deafening and could be heard all over the huge college, seperate buildings included. Jolene and Vienna had returned and the class was overly enthusiastic and ecstatic about having their English teacher back with them. Said teacher began to laugh at the reactions of her students as she placed her bag beneath her desk. Her eyes scanned the room and they rested on Vienna who was beaming, but her eyes showed pain and that worried Jolene, making her own smile falter slightly. "Miss what happened?" One of the girls asked and Jolene turned her attention towards her.

"Family issues," she responded.

"I hope everything's okay now," she said and Jolene smiled at her.

"Everything's fine now," she replied. There was a knock at the door and Jolene walked over and opened it. "Principle Hayson," she greeted, stepping to the side to allow the principle into the room. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asked as the man entered the room.

"A few things, actually," he replied, his eyes settling on Vienna who huddled into her chair. "One being two new students," he said, stepping aside and allowing two girls into the room. Jolene smiled warmly at them and invited them further into the classroom. "This is Amelia and Evelyn," he announced. "They will be joining your lessons from now onwards."

"Welcome to the class, girls," Jolene greeted and Evelyn smiled shyly at her, hiding behind her long honey brown hair, her large and bright blue eyes sparkling. Amelia leant her weight on one foot and just stared at Jolene, not smiling back. "Evelyn if you could take the seat beside Vienna," Jolene pointed out where she wanted her to sit, "that would be wonderful," she said and Evelyn moved to the seat. "And Amelia take a seat by Benny, please," Once again Jolene directed where she wanted the girl to sit. Amelia sashayed over to her seat and plonked herself down.

"The other reasons I'm here," Principle Hayson started and Jolene turned to him. "To welcome you back from your absence," he said and Jolene smiled at him. "And to ask if I may speak to Vienna Stewart outside, please."

"Is there a problem?" Jolene asked.

"Minus her disappearing for nigh on a week and no one knowing where she was," he said, his voice showing his anger mixed into the sarcastic reply, "no." Jolene turned to Vienna who was already walking over.

"I'll be fine," she whispered to Jolene as she passed her, noticing the hidden worried look in her eyes.

"What are you going to tell him?" Jolene asked quietly so only Vienna could hear.

"I don't know," Vienna's voice shook with fear. Principle Hayson watched the short interaction and gestured for Jolene to follow them.

"It seems you know about this disappearing of hers?" He questioned and Jolene sighed.

"She was trying to help me," Vienna whispered.

"So there wasn't a family issue?" The principle asked Jolene.

"That was true. There was a small issue. Vienna's circumstance is much more intense and dangerous than the family issue I had to handle," Jolene replied and Vienna shifted uncomfortably.

"Dangerous in what way?"

"She was being harmed," Jolene said. "I'm not going to tell you how. That's for her to tell you if she wants to." Vienna looked up at her thankfully.


"I erm.." She choked up and wiped the tears away. "I was er..." She trailed off and moved closer to Jolene who longed to wrap her arms around her and hold her. Her arms twitched beside her and she folded them, before unfolding them and repeating the action. The principle noticed and gestured for her to do whatever it was she needed to do, slight surprise filling him as she grabbed Vienna and pulled her into her body. Vienna clung to her and began to cry. "Tell him," she begged and Jolene shook her head. "Please," she sobbed and Jolene tucked her in closer.

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