Chapter 2 - Rooftop Lunch

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As the lunch bell rang, you stood from your seat, eager to find a quiet place to eat your lunch. You were never one for large crowds, constituting for few friends that were always temporary due to your personality, as well as the mobility required by your job.

"(Y/N)!" you heard Akise say from the desk next to you as he gathered his things as well. "Would you like to eat lunch with me today?"

You then turned to him.

"I don't see why not," you replied with a shrug, realizing it would be in your best interest to have a friend or two so as not to seem like a suspicious social outcast.

He nodded.

"We can go up to the roof," he said before leaning in and speaking in a hushed tone. "We'll be able to see last night's murder scene from there."

Has he been thinking about that for the entire class?! Also, since when was I involved with this?

Nevertheless, you nodded, humoring him in his apparent hobby: solving mysteries.

You walked silently next to Akise as you both climbed the flights of stairs to the roof, your feet absentmindedly falling in time with his. He must have noticed this, as he glanced down at your feet a few times.

Stepping out onto the roof, you briefly squinted at the change of light.

"You know, (Y/N), you're the first person who has ever taken an interest in my investigations," he said, walking over to the roof's railing. "Why?"

You were quiet for a minute, taken aback by the abrupt question. You then walked to the railing next to him.

"I find you to be interesting," you truthfully replied.

He turned to face you, his eyes boring into you like earlier in class.

"Why did you find me interesting?"

"Well, it's not everyday that you find a teenager your own age that takes an investigative approach to the world around them- especially as you exhibit."

He must have been satisfied with your answer because he turned back to face the buildings in the distance, quiet for a moment.

"There," he said, pointing his finger at a cluster of buildings. "I recognize the buildings from the news report this morning."

Yes, he was right- you recognized the place as where you shot the man to which you were assigned to kill.

"We should go there tonight and look around."

You turned to look at him in disbelief. Was he really going so far as to do that?

You had to throw him off- and quick.

"How? They'd never let a couple of teenagers just walk in to a murder scene."

"Don't worry- I have a long time friend at the police station that knows me and wouldn't hesitate to let us in."

Of course he does.

"Are the police even still at the scene?"

"Well, if not, then it'll be empty and I won't have to call my friend up."

He was going, either way.

"We can meet after school closes and head over there together," he said.

You nodded. You didn't want him to have any suspicion of you if you turned him down.

"Sounds like a plan," you said, pulling out your lunch. "I'm going to eat now."

"That's probably a good idea, since this is our lunch break," he said, pulling out his own lunch and sitting on a nearby bench.

You sat down beside him on the bench, opening your sandwich bag and pulling out your favorite type of sandwich.

Still feeling Akise's glare on you like earlier in class, you forced your face not to flush due to his intense gaze as you quietly ate your lunch.

Has no one ever told him that it's rude to stare?

He then turned away and began to eat his own lunch.

"Do you know what we're specifically looking for tonight?" you asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

He finished his bite of food before answering.

"No, nothing in particular," he said. "Just some sort of evidence that may have been left."

You became slightly nervous, realizing that if you went with him, and there was evidence on or around the scene, you would have to find it before he does. If you found any evidence, you'd be able to hide it so that the evidence would not lead to you. After all, if you were caught, you'd lose your job and most likely be sent to a youth detention center.

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?"

You turned and looked at Akise with a smile.

"Oh no, I'm fine, just a little nervous about going to the scene of a murder," you lied, trying to hide the fact that you were the one who killed the now dead man.

He looked at you for a second.

"Well, you don't have to go if you don't want to," he said. You were glad that he bought your lie.

"No, I'd like to help."

You had to keep him from finding evidence.

He studied your face for a brief second once more before nodding and returning to his lunch.

You finished your lunch quickly and grabbed your things, wanting to explore this new school.

"I'll meet you after school," you said with a smile to Akise, who was still eating.

"You're already leaving?"

"Yeah, I thought I should explore the school on my own," you replied.

He nodded as you turned around and began walking down the stairs to the main levels.

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