Chapter 26

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Okay. So I was going to do a smutt chapter, but it didn't fit with the tone of this book. So I apologize for not updating the actual story all month! I am thinking about ending this book soon. I have picked out how I want it to end. I will try to keep you all updated though ^^ ❤️
-Jordan's POV-
I flopped down on the, still cold. Sighing, I closed my eyes. (Y/n) was in the shower, so there wasn't much for me to do other than fall asleep.
-Your POV-
I hopped out of the shower, finally warm again. Throwing on some clothes, I dashed downstairs to see Jordan fast asleep. He looked so sweet. Peaceful. I smiled and curled up by him, grabbing his arm and putting it around my waist.
I moaned and pulled my head down to my chest, shivering. Feeling a pair of strong warm arms wrap tighter around me, I allowed my eyes to flutter open. Jordan was looking at me, smiling.
"Well good morning beautiful." He said kissing the top of my head.
"Mmhmm..." I replied, still half asleep. "How long was I asleeping..." I asked, my words slurring together due to my tiredness.
"A while. Why?" He said, giving me the goofiest smile possible. I giggled.
"Come here you dork." I teased, smashing my lips against his. He gasped in surprise, but soon had his arms around my waist. I smiled and parted from his lips.
"I love you..." He breathed out looking into my (e/c) eyes.
"I love you more, boo..."
"I love you most." I smiled at his reference (if you don't know where that reference is from, WATCH MORE DISNEY!). He smiled back and held me closer to him.
"So... You want to a movie or something?" He asked sweetly.
"Sure!" I exclaimed. "I'll get the movie and you get popcorn and blankets.
"Got it." I smiled and kissed his cheek, running up the stairs to find a good movie. I walked into my old room where I used to sleep whenever we came out here. We didn't come out much anymore, so my room was still decorated with movie posters, boy band posters and, of course, the cringe-worthy fan art I used to draw all the time. I smiled at the glimpse into my childhood, remembering why I hung every poster. Why I drew every piece of fan art. It was nostalgic. The sweet smell of popcorn drew me back into reality. I shook my head and walked over to my closet to find a movie. Opening the door, I was greeted by my 10-year-old sense of 'style' and every Disney movie ever created. I smiled looking at the animal print, brightly colored shirts hanging in rainbow order. Smiling, my eyes drifted over to the movie. I snatched up "The Little Mermaid" and ran downstairs to see Jordan curled up in a fluffy, white blanket on the couch.
"Took you long enough." He teased. I walked over to the couch after putting the disc in the player.
"You haven't been up there yet! The room is pure nostalgia!" I plopped down onto the couch next to Jordan and popped a piece of buttery popcorn in my mouth.
"I'm sure it is." Jordan said, throwing the blanket over me and pulling me closer. He kissed to top of my head. "I love you so much babe..." He whispered in my ear. I smiled.
"I love you too, boo..."
Okay. I know it's very short, but it took 3 days to write because high school is a suck. So I will update hopefully next week. Love you!
~Kitty =^-^=

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