Part 10: Certain People Are Meant to Be

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Pete's POV:

There wasn't an exact reason as to why I was nervous. It had been years since I last had human companionship, and even then it didn't end well. None of them did. I had been avoiding the truth that subconsciously invaded my mind every waking moment. Ever since I met Patrick I just knew I couldn't continue this charade, but every time I saw the defenseless boy something would urge me to stay. 

Evidently, whatever relationship I was developing with the kid wouldn't last. He would either die or be murdered by my enemies. I would live to suffer the aftermath of emotions that haunts you in eternal life. Yet despite all the endings that I knew would possibly come I couldn't stop myself from being around him. His presence fueled my tragically damned soul. In some sick, twisted way I looked forward to the pain that was to enter this stage in my life because I figured it would be worth it. Even a moment with Patrick was worth hundreds of more years of sorrow, so I mustered up a confident facade that evening and headed out the door. 

Patrick was locking up the bookstore when I arrived, although it was only eight.
"Closing up early, huh?" I asked as I rolled down the window of my vehicle.
He wore simple attire: a red cotton sweater and a pair of black skinny jeans along with Velcro shoes and his fedora. His fingers pressed against the bridge of his thick glasses, and he greeted me with a quirky smile.
"My parents said it would be okay as long as I'm not back too late. You know why."

 "They don't have to worry about that. You won't be in danger especially when you're with me," I assured him.
"Whether I'm with you or not I always seem to land myself in some sort of threatening situation, but screw it. Might as well have fun before I die, right?"
"Can't say I haven't said that before."

He hopped into the passenger's seat and sighed in relief at the heat that radiated from the vents.

"Figured you might get cold since it's chilly out. Winter's approaching soon."

Patrick nodded in agreement but sat silently almost the whole drive. Perhaps he too was anxious, but I said not a word. I wasn't quite sure whether this was considered a date or not. I had my fair share of rushed relationships, but something about this one was telling me not to mess with furthering it. We had marvelous chemistry together as I had gathered from my past experiences with Patrick, and we ought to be friends, very good friends at that. I reckoned this was why he was acting strangely. 

He was unsure, and I aimed to make light of it.

"What movie are you interested in watching?" I inquired.
Patrick perked up at the sudden spark in the conversation, and I immediately could tell he had warmed to me slightly.
"I don't know. I haven't gotten around to looking at trailers. What about you?"

"Oh, there's this one I hear about recently. I don't remember the name, but it has vampires in it. We should drop by and have a look. It always amuses me to see America's take on them."
"I understand. You like to laugh at all the flaws in the films?" Patrick said.
"Not entirely. See, it's kind of like observing an ant hill that appeared on your lawn. You watch the creatures develop and create and change to become something entirely different than what they started as."

"Is that what you've done then? Study humans?"
"Yes, and I've adapted. I marvel at humans, what they've done, and sure I get a kick or two out of their ridiculous behavior, but I used to be one. No longer do I have a beating heart nor can I stay out in the sun too long without getting a major headache and irritating my skin. It's not who I am anymore, but I still attempt to salvage what little I can of what I used to be."

Patrick nodded, taking in my words, and spoke, "In my honest opinion you may be a vampire physically, but talking to you reveals that you're as human as the next guy."

"I still murd-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know you kill people, Pete. You have to. It isn't right. It's not anymore moral than what William does, but Pete, you need to stop beating yourself up over the things you simply can't control. You're a wonderful guy. If you still plan to live in regret the rest of your life go ahead. Just make sure you know one thing: it's not your fault. We both know who the real murderer is. William killed you. The lives you take is on his sin list."

The ride was silent again, and Patrick glanced at me for a response.
" still wanna watch that vampire movie?" I asked.
A smile cracked upon his thin lips and he nodded, "As long as you take what I said to heart, your dead heart of course."
"I'll think about it."
"There isn't much to think about. You take too much responsibility for things that aren't meant for you to take responsibility for."

 "You don't understand, Patrick."

"I'm positive whatever it is that I don't 'understand' could easily be linked to William."
", I know it's William who was the root of the problem, but I did one thing. I continued to live, and that's the real fault in it all. I associated myself with people, cared about them, and it only got them killed. The best way I could've gotten back at William was to die. Only then would I have prevented the deaths that came along with my existence."

The car had stopped now. I wasn't sure when I had decided to park on the side of the road, but there we were, in my car, talking about what I had never discussed with anyone but myself.
"What- what do you mean?" he asked, curiosity in his young eyes.
"Would you like to know?"
The youth hesitated, contemplating whether he should listen or politely move on from the topic to catch our movie, but the raging flame that'd been ignited in his brain was enough to ask for an explanation. I left the car on, the heat circulating the confined area, and leaned back in my seat so that I was now staring up at the roof.
"It begins in Chicago circa 1954..."

A/N: This seems like it was shorter than usual but oh well. I'm glad some people are actually enjoying this story. I'm going to try to update more frequently to make up for lost time but it really depends on my what's going on in my life. Tomorrow's my 17th birthday so very good news. I'll be old enough to call myself a dancing queen. Anyways that's off topic. Enjoy the wait.

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