The Night Of The Accident -Chapter I

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(Riley's outfit above)

R. I. L. E. Y. ' S    POV

I walked across the street as I just left Maya's apartment in Ocean View Valley, Brenton Highway

I called for a taxi, but just then, I noticed a golden heart locket. I smiled at the memory it gave me. I reached for it, but then,

Suddenly, a sharp pain enthrusts my waist and thighs, as I felt something collide with my side, sending me backwards with a painful impact.

Suddenly, I realise what's happening...

J. O. E. ' S  POV (XD, Prepare your backwards reading skills)

"Harry? Terry? Bernoculous!" I dias

"What is is Joe..." Eh deksa deyonna


"We do?!"



L. U. C. A. S. '  POV

I'm watching the TV as my mind wanders into the abyss of thoughts and imagination

I thought about my girlfriend, Riley Matthews.

She was the best thing that ever happened to me.

My little light, the map to my moral compass, Mrs. BuckyMcBoingBoing- or as Maya would like to call it, Mrs. Huckleberry.

She was my complete ray of sunshine.

I don't know what I'd do without her.

I smile to myself.

The thought if her sends sparks through my entire body...

How she always puts her friends before her...

How her hair sways so perfectly in the wind...

How beautiful she looks under the moonlight...

How her eyes sparkle when she's happy...

How gentle and fragile and just how much of a beautiful human being she was...

"Lucas, baby, come look at this" my mom says in a concerned tone

I wonder what that's about

I walk towards her at the dining table where she's sitting

"Yes Mama? What is it?" I ask worriedly

"Sweetie, look at the newspaper and please don't turn back into what you were in Texas..." She told me

"Mama, why would I do that? There's no reasonable excuse to turn back into Texas Lucas-" I was cut off by her showing me the newspaper


"Oh no" I reply in a worried tone

"Her loved ones would probably be grieving in agony right now-" Mama cut me off

"Read the downprint" she asked me

"Hmm... Let's see..."

Teenage girl, hit by drunk taxi driver, flew 5 feet into backwards into the air.
She is in critical conditions.
Calculations say that she has a very slim chance of living.
Riley Matthews, is being rushed into the hospital immediately.

That made my entire world freeze.

My Ray of Sunshine? Going to die?

"Mama... This isn't true..." I tried to protest

No... She couldn't be dead... She's only 17... She's can't leave me now...

"Lucas, baby..." My mom tried to reassure me but I cut her off

"No! she can't be! Mama? This is a dream, right? This is a dream, right?!" I tried to pinch myself to wake up
By this time, tears were streaming down my face

"No baby! No!" My mom held my arms and embraced me

"No! Riley! Come back! Please! Don't leave me! Comeback! Please!" I broke down to the ground as my Mama held onto me tightly

"Shh, Lucas, shhhh... It's okay baby, it's okay..." My Mama cooed

"No it's not! The love of my life is on the edge, fighting for her life and you tell me it's okay?!" I whimper

"Lucas, honey-" I flinch when she said 'Honey' because it reminded me when Riley calms me down, she calls me 'Honey' or 'Babe' or when she's feeling playful, she calls me 'Mad Dog' and 'Mine'

"She can't be dead, Mama! She just can't!" I sob loudly

A/N 668 words, Wow! And that's the first chapter of 'Everything I Didn't Say'! Hope you liked this new story!
At the moment, I have no ispiration to write 'Sorry, But I Have A Thing For Cowboys'
Don't forget to comments your thoughts and vote for the next chapter!
Bye Babes ✌️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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