Pretty Please With a Levi on Top

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Because I broke too many hearts at "The Bitter and The Sweet" here is my apology my (For the Rick roll chapter) xD

A story without an accurate plot. Meh..

6'1!Levi X 5'4!Eren

Tall Levi and short Eren, because there's not enough of those.


Moving boxes and parading in and out of the elevator and the hallways repeatedly was not Eren's favorite thing about moving. Today he was officially done with hectic college life and start with his new career at Sina Publishing Company and today was the day he moves in his new flat with his new flatmates. He hasn't met them yet but hopefully they didn't mind him going in already without them present. The three other people he's supposed to live with were apparently not home but he was given a spare key by the landlord. Judging from the way the flat seemed to shine like it was brand new, Eren could guess they were clean people, he made sure to avoid littering at all costs, since he didn't know which room he'll be using he decided to just set his stuff on the farthest corner where there was free space.

Busying himself with pushing boxes he failed to hear the front door creaking open, didn't help the fact that he was embarrassingly humming to himself while shaking his ass up the air as he was bent over on the floor. Eren tends to do that when he was in high spirits.

A cough from behind him caught his full attention.

With a gasp, Eren flicked his head towards the person. Freezing, and holy fucking alpacas. He gawked at the man before him who might as well be an exotic underwear model for Calvin Klein. The man had beautiful storm grey eyes with little tints of blue in them, high chiseled jaws, obsidian strands of hair parted and cupped his face perfectly and was styled in a military style undercut and by the way his sweat matted tank top and the way the damp fabric stuck to his skin, Eren could faintly make out an eight pack, his jogging pants clad calves looked like he could lift serious weight with them alone. Not to mention his towering height towards Eren. It took everything Eren had in him to not let his jaw fall and gape at this sexy stranger.

The stranger quirked an eyebrow at Eren's lack of response. "Kid, you gonna tell me who the fuck you are?"

"U-uhm, hi.." Eren stuttered nervously, his throat constricting at the presence of the handsome raven man. "I'm Eren Yeager.."

A spark of recognition lit the raven's eyes. "Ah, the brat replacing Petra's place," He eyed at Eren briefly. "Welcome to hell, hope you can stand shitty glasses, prepare yourself for the worst, brat." Was all he said before sauntering away towards the left most last door far off across the dining area.

Well, wasn't he just a little ball of sunshine...

'Well shit, I didn't even get his name...'

Before moving in he didn't think it was possible in reality to feel both excitement and annoyance at the same time. Excitement for the fact that his new flatmate was a Greek god incarnate and annoyance for the fact that he was labeled as a 'brat'.


Later that day Eren finally met the other two people he's flatting with. Erwin Smith, another sexy motherfucker that just happened to be a carbon copy of Captain America, only difference is that he was equipped with deadlier set of eyebrows in favor of the shield. Erwin has a pleasant Mr perfect personality that made Eren feel welcome, almost too welcome.

Then there was Hanji Zoe.

No comments on Hanji, Eren didn't even have the words for it, nor could he find a decent word to begin with describing the indestructible hurricane of excitement, aka Hanji.

Pretty Please With a Levi on Top - [Riren/Ereri]Where stories live. Discover now