Chapter Four

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Kelley softly tapped her knuckles against Hope's door.

"Hope? Are you in there?"


"Listen, I'm sorry about earlier. I hope you're not too mad."

Kelley listened with her ear to the door. Something wasn't right.


Kelley tried the doorknob but it was stuck.

"Shit," she cursed.

"Hey, KO, what's up?"

Pinoe strolled into view, a goofy grin on her face.

"Pinoe, I think there's something wrong with Hope. She's not answering me."

Pinoe banged her fist against the door.

"HEY HOPEY SOLO!!" she yelled. "IT'S PINOE!!! OPEN UP!!!"

"Meghan!" Kelley exclaimed in exasperation. She stopped. "Do you hear that?"

Pinoe shook her head.

"You're going crazy, Kelley," she said, starting to leave.

"No! Listen!"

Kelley grabbed Pinoe's arm and pressed her ear against the door.

"Ow! C'mon, Kelley!" Pinoe whined.

"Don't you hear that?"

Pinoe listened.

"No. All I hear is banging and screaming."

Kelley pushed her to the side and kicked the door. Once, twice, til it finally broke in half.

"Great job, KO," Pinoe rolled her eyes. "Now we'll really be in trouble with the management!"

Kelley stepped over the broken door and into the black-as-pitch room.


Kelley whirled around just in time to see the closet doors collapse in a billow of dust.


Kelley rushed to the broken keeper's side, horrified to find crimson running from Hope's forehead and roped wrists.

"PINOE!!" Kelley screamed.

Hope moaned and squeezed her eyes shut.


"Hope, oh god," Kelley cried. "I'm so sorry. PINOE!!!"

"Oh my god."

Pinoe appeared at the entrance, eyes wide in fear.

"Pinoe, call an ambulance, then call Jill."

Tears flowed down Kelley's cheeks.

"Oh god, Hope," she whispered. "I'm so sorry. I'm so damn sorry."


Alex was trying to relax.

She was at the pool with Ashlyn and Sydney when her phone rang.


Well I can't ignore him forever, can I? Alex sighed, pressing "answer".

"Hey, babe."

"Alex, are you okay?! I've been trying to reach you for days!"

"I'm fine, Servando. I've just been busy, that's all, you know... Tour and stuff... It's just a lot to work with, and I haven't had time to-"

"Alex, I'm flying to Houston. Tonight. I'll be there."

"Wait, what?!" Alex nearly screamed into the phone. Ashlyn gave her a questioning look, but Alex waved it away.

"I'm coming there to help you find your friend. Jill told me about what happened to Tobin."

Alex's head was spinning.

"I'll be there at 5:00pm at Houston, at A gate, okay? I love you."

"I-I love you... Too..."

The phone clicked and Alex slowly sat down on one of the chairs.

"What was that?" Ashlyn asked, sitting next to her.

"I-it was Servando," Alex breathed in shock. "He's coming... Here..."

In all her life, Alex had never felt so torn.

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