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It became kind of a ritual for the next few nights; one or both scientists would wake up with the baby and sit in the living room or the nursery with Clint.

Then Mattie got a fever.

They were in a battle - "Seriously? More damn robots?" - and Pepper was babysitting. Tony was just about to take out the robotic control center when he got a phone call.

"Hey, Pep, not really a good time."

"Is Mattie allergic to any medicine?"

"What? Why does he need medicine?" Tony swore as he was sidetracked by a sneaky robot.

"He's running a fever and I need to know if I can give him Children's Tylenol or not."

"He's barely a month old! How the hell did he get a fever? What's his temperature?" Tony tried not to panic as he tried locate the panel that would get him into the controls.

"It's not too bad, I just need-"

"Pepper, I'm in the middle of a mission. This call is blocking my coms, and you have me very suddenly and extremely worried about my child. Tell me the damn temperature." Tony ripped off the newly found panel with more force than necessary, taking out his frustration on the machinery.

There was a beat of silence, and he could faintly hear Mattie fussing in the back ground. He didn't sound very good. Tony's heart clenched.

Pepper sighed. "101.3 degrees."

Running hot by two degrees. Could be worse. "Thank you, Pep, have JARVIS give you the number to Mattie's pediatrician. The is a bottle of Infant Tylenol in his changing table drawer. Call me in an hour and give me an update." He decided to just forgo the wires and stuck a small bomb in the works.

"Okay, hon, be safe." The line went dead and Tony's coms came back in full force.

"...the hell is going on, Stark?" Captain Rogers was yelling at him, sounding angry and worried.

"Sir, I would advise retreat, detonation in fifteen seconds."

Tony flew out of the basement, and shut the steel door. After the boom, he heard his teammates in various levels of relief, confirming the 'bots going down. "Whew, now, where is what's-his-name?"

"I got him." Widow spoke over the radio. "Roof. Tried to take a chopper."

The team - including a snorting, but slowly calming Hulk - met on the roof, where Nat had a small, gray-haired man and a pilot tied up next to a black helicopter.

Once they regrouped and took stock of injuries, Steve turned on Tony. "What was that?"

"A bomb?"

"No, you went silent over the coms. You could have been dead, we could have been dead, and neither party would have known. Start explaining, now." Tony rolled his eyes at his Captain's-orders voice.

"Pepper called and I needed to take it. It was important."

"Important? What could she have to say that is more important than your teammates' lives?"

Tony looked around at his teammates, and the only ones who didn't look angry were Clint and Hulk, though the Hulk is the embodiment of anger, so that doesn't say much. He opened his mouth, but decided this would not be the best way to introduce their son to the rest of the team. Shaking his head, he walked to his very large, very green husband who was sitting in the middle of the roof, watching them.

He lifted up his faceplate, "Heya, Green Bean, can I talk to Bruce? Nothing on you, I love you, I do, but we have a problem at home. Code Blue, you get me?" His green eyes widened and he snorted angrily, Tony laid a metal hand on his muscular forearm. "No, no! It's not bad, but I would feel better if Bruce and I went home. Okay?"

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