Public Announcement

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Once the weather warmed up, Bruce and Tony brought Mattie out into the public for the first time. The billionaire had Happy drop the little family off at the Central Park, for a family day. They took a walk, Mattie in a stroller, his fathers taking turns pushing him and taking pictures.

People stopped and stared quite often.

Sure, people were used to seeing Tony out with Bruce – they had been for years. The thing that the public hadn't been prepared for was their now-four-month-old son. It was fine on the walk; no one actually approached them, just stood off to the side, pointing and taking pictures.

By the time they stopped at a café for lunch, the paparazzi had made their appearance. Their waitress fawned over the family, telling them how cute Mattie's tiny brown curls and dimples were. They thanked her after she took their orders and talked about the experiment they were working on.

Tony occasionally took pictures of Mattie. He also snuck more of his husband than socially or privately acceptable.

It was a good day, until they left the restaurant and were immediately swarmed with an overenthusiastic crowd of paparazzi. Bruce tensed, hands tightening, in a knuckle-whitening fashion and Mattie was startled by the noise and lights.

He cried, Bruce growled and Tony swore. He swept his son in his arms, and put a hand on the small of Bruce's back, and whispered in his ear, trying to calm them both down. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting – which was most likely only a minute – Happy came through the crowd, waving off the hounds and giving them the room to get through.

They got into the car as Happy dealt with the stroller. "Well," Bruce spoke, eyes flashing a bit green and taking a few deep breaths, "that was..."

"Overwhelming?" Tony said, snapping the last buckle on Mattie's carseat.

Bruce laughed, "Yeah."

When they got back to the Tower, Pepper met them in the communal living room. "Seriously guys? You were gone for four hours and I have been swamped with calls and emails requesting emails and photo shoots. You're already on the news and everything! This is absolutely ridiculous!" She threw her arms up and flopped them back down.

"JARVIS, scan the news?" Tony called as Bruce made Pepper a cup of coffee.

The TV came on, scanning through the news channels.

"-Tony Stark a father now?-"

"The famous inventor was seen today with a child in tow-"

"Tony Stark and husband/renown scientist, Bruce Banner, were out today with a baby on what seems to be a family day-"

There were several more stations with stories on the same line. "Jeez! Could these people move any faster?" Bruce exclaimed, coming back with a two cups and a baby bottle.

"Yes." Pepper and Tony said, simultaneously.

Well then. He sighed, "Time to schedule an interview, I suppose. What do you think, sweetheart?" He leaned against his husband.

Tony groaned a laugh. "Ugh. Pep?"

"Any preferences?"


"Makes it easy. I'll have JARVIS give you details."

She left and there was silence, aside from Mattie's suckling.

"Hey, babe?"

"Yes, Brucie?"

"Let's keep the exact details of his birth between us, okay?"

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