Book Cover Training with @domino-effect

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Are you trying to prefect your Wattpad covers? Well we have interviewed Domino-effect to help you guys out on making awesome covers!

Usually I first try to find a photo that fits the theme of what the person requesting wants. I get my photos from We Heart It or sometimes Tumblr and mainly pick out at least 2 or 3. (I don't really want to reveal what apps I use but I have before you just have to look for it) lay out the photo and measure for a border size (which is way harder than I thought at first) and type up a title. The fonts I mainly use are bebasnenue, colors of Autumn, signerica, kudajets, ect. There's a lot more I have but those are just the ones I remember at the top of my head. After finishing that I would probably add a few filters to finish it up and boom there's your cover!

Hopefully that helped you all!

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