Chapter 9

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Today, after dinner Joe and I are going back to London, Joe needs to film some gaming videos, and main channel videos. Joe agreed to a collab, but said it can go up after a few weeks, or when we are in New York.

We pack our stuff up and say bye to Zoe and Alfie before leaving for London. Today I've  started my lady thing, so I have cramps, and I feel like shit.

"Joe, can we just cuddle today? I feel like shit." I say. Joe smiles.

"Of course, cuddling with my favourite girl? How could I say no?" Joe smiles. I smile back, thanking him.

We stop off and get a hot chocolate from macdonalds, today was rainy and cold today, a Christmas song comes on the radio as the uber takes us to the train station.

We soon arrive, and we get out, catching our train.


We arrive home, I walk to bed and hug a pillow into my stomach, wincing in pain.

Joe follows me down after phoning Caspar to find out Caspar has gone to olis.

He lays down behind me and wraps his arm round me massaging my stomach as I feel his breath on my neck. I turn round so I'm on my back. Then I turn again to face Joe. I smile weakly. He then turns so he's on his back, and I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat, as his hand rubs circles on my back.

Now and then Joe would place a soft kiss on my cheek as we talk. We then put Netflix on and watch prison break on his laptop as we cuddle.

Joe goes upstairs to do something so I grab my laptop and check social medias, emails and YouTube.

Joe comes back down and hands me a hot water bottle, a feminax tablet for cramps, a paracetamol this is okay, it isn't a overdose as I take this for my cramps and a blanket. Along with a tray win a cup of tea on it, two cupcakes Zoe  bought us in Brighton, sandwich and some apple juice.

He chucks me one of his t-shirts, that is baggy and soft. I put it on with my pyjama shorts but because it's that big it just about covers the shorts.

He places the tray on the bed as I sit up, he sits down as I click play on caspars new video from yesterday that I didn't watch. I eat my sandwich, sipping my tea, as Joe's arm is wrapped around me, and my body covered in a blanket. I then eat my cupcake, and drink my apple juice. It's only 1:00, and I feel like it's later.

Joe does some work stuff on his laptop as I have a little nap, my head resting on his lap as I hug my hot water bottle into my stomach.

I wake up and check the time 8:00, Joe was awake, playing with my hair. I really fancied like a bath but Joe and Caspar didn't have one, so I have a shower.

I finish the shower and put Joe's top back on with my shorts. I feel even more fresh and free now that I have no bra on. I get into the covers and wrap my legs round Joe's waist, as I snuggle my head into his chest, taking in his scent.

"Do you think you'll be better tomorrow?" Joe asks.

"Probarbly why?" I ask

"Just wondered. Because tomorrow is Wednesday and I wondered if you wanted to go out or just stay in." Joe says.

"Hmm." I say into his chest, "stay in, You and Caspar can play Fifa, I'll bake or something." I say

"Yummy. Cookies?"

"Sure, Handesome." I mumble, my eyes feel heavy as I struggle to keep them open.

"Yay! Night Beautiful." Joe says softly.

"Night Joe." I say as I feel him kiss my head


A/N sorry this is short, I'm really stuck on ideas, I have a few but their what would happen when they've been dating for a while, after New York, do you want me to skip, I don't know, a few months to where they tell the viewers, and skip a year to where more things happen? Comment to let me know!

Michayla x

Between us, Joe Sugg fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora