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There was a child, born on the third day of the three-day solar eclipse. The child's name was Cynefrith, and he was an orphan. He had gray eyes that were the color between the light and the darkness of a moon. He was a quiet, solemn baby, rarely smiling or crying. Indeed, it may be that the prophecy was at work already. This prophecy is quite mysterious...

The child born on the third day of the eclipse

Shall be granted power

Beyond a glimpse

And at his seventh hour

The child shall be greater than a prince.

In time most long

The child shall grow

If he shall survive the song,

The seeds of peace he shall sow.

The prophecy, some say, is incomplete; however, most dismiss this as whispers from those who wish to have more hope.

Cynefrith of MalgaeaWhere stories live. Discover now