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"Wake your ass up," I hear Jamie scream from downstairs. I slowly drag myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom that inside my room. Last night I had the dream again, the one I have every night. I guess it's not really a dream, but more like a memory. It was the time when my dad and I were walking through the wood, we were going camping, when suddenly, we were attack by pack of wolves. This happened ten years ago, I was only7 years old. My dad was my best friends, my rock, the shoulder I used to cry on, and I miss him every second of every day.

I get in the shower and wash my long, wavy black hair, using my strawberry shampoo. When I finished.  I wrap a towel around my body and dry myself off. I went to my closet and thought about what I'm going to wear to school. I could where a short sleeve shirt, seeing that Jamie hasn't left any bruises on me in a while, but I decided to go against it. I chose to wear a pair of ripped white skinny jeans, knee length boots, a white long sleeve shirt with a black short sleeve shirt with rips, on top of it. After I was dressed and went back into the bathroom and put on some makeup.  I took a look at my hands and my black polished still looked fresh from when I did them a few days ago. I looked at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked good and presentable for school. After locking my bedroom door, so that my "mother" doesn't go in, I walked down the stairs.

In the living room Jamie is sitting on the couch with an empty vodka bottle in her hand. "Where the hell do you think you're going, looking like that?" I heard her yell as I walk to the kitchen. "You look like a whore."

"Haven't you ever heard the term, 'like mother like daughter'?" I murmured. I grabbed an apple and water bottle and put it in my book bag for lunch.

Jamie got up from the couch, came into the kitchen. "What did you say?" She back handed andltthe force of the blow knocked me into the corner of the counter. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. I fell to the ground, holding the part of my back that was hit. "Get out of my sight."

I slowly got up off the floor and walked outside. I went to the gaage where I kept my black motomel motorcycle, it belonged to my dad. I got on it and rode off to school. The school was no more than a 10 minute ride. When I got there, I parked in the parking spot I have that no one ever parked in because they know it is mine. When I hopped off of my motorcycle, that's when the whispers started, just like every day. Only they weren't about me this time, it seems that there is are somenew kids, boys to be exact.

When I was at my locker I heard, "His name is Samuel Jones and he is a total hottie. I call dibs on him, but you can have one of his friends," the school slut, Brittany, said to one of her friends. I rolled my eyes and closed my locker. He is probably just like every other boy at this school, a man-whore. I thought to my self as I walked to my first class which was algebra 2.
"Good morning Miss. Hunter," My Algebra teacher, Mr.Blake said. I smiled and waved at him as I walked to my seat. He was pretty young for a teacher, only 25 years old and very nice. I was the first one in class like always so I sat in the back by the window and put in my head phones and Hidden In Plain View-Bleed For You flowed in my ears. It was one of my favorite songs. I wished that someone would take my place, but then that would just be plain selfish of me to do that. I listened to some more songs until Mr. Blake gave me the signal that the bell rang and class was about to start. I took my headphones out my ear and put then around my neck. Before he could start teaching, a boy I didn't recognize walked in the classroom. I won't lie, he was a sexy as fuck. He wore a black shirt that clung to his chest making his six pack visible, and a pair of dark blue jeans with black Vans on.

"Class this is our new student, Samuel Jones , please make him feel welcome. Mr. Jones, please tell us somethings about yourself." Mr.Blake introduced him.

"Hey, Im Samuel but I like to go by Sam. I just moved here from Idoho. I like to play football. I have two younger brothers, Jake, he's 13 and Aaron, he's 15, and yeah that's about it, any questions."He told us.

Brittany raised her hand."Are you single?" She asked fluttered her eyes.

"Slut," I coughed. Me and Brittany used to be great friends until dad died. After that I stopped talking to her and she became a slut.

"What was that you just said?" She asked me.

"I called you a slut," I said. You could hear the 'duh' in the back of my throat.

"Emo freak," She said.

"And glad to be one," I smirked unfazed my her words.

"To answer your question,I am single but I have eyes for some one already." Sam winked at me. I rolled my eyes. Like I would ever go for a man-whore like him.


I know its short but I did just wanted to introduce the characters first. Hope you guys like it :)

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