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Sorry if this chapter offend anyone, it isn't intended.


"Sam," said Mr.Blake. "Please take the seat next to Miss. Hunter."

"With pleasure," Sam smirked and came and sat next to me. "Hey babe," He said.

"Don't talk to me,"I told him but not bothering to turn my head toward him.

"Don't gotta be so mean. How about we start over," He had a pleading look in his eyes so I gave in. "Hi, my name is Samuel but you can call me Sam. Now what's your name beauitful?"

"Hi Sam, my name is Jessie but you can call me Jess. I'm an outcast at the school so no one really talks to me. So unless you want to become a loner with me, I'll advise you to leave me alone."I told him.

" Well since I just moved here and the only girls beside you that I found are all sluts, I think me and the boys will just stick with you."He said to me.

"The boys?" I asked him.

"Yeah I moved down here with my friends too. It was like a big group of us that moved."He explained to me.

"That's cool, let me see your schedule,"he handed it me.

"Ok, our lunch hour is the same and so is third and last period." I handed him back his schedual. Our hands brushed against each others and I jumped. No because we touched but I felt a electric shot. When I looked up at Sam he was just smiling like nothing happened. I wonder if he felt it too.


In third hour Sam sat next to me again and I didn't have a problem with it at first until he keep talking to me and asking me stupid questions like, 'How's the weather?' or 'Jess.. Jess...Jess....Jessie HI' he even asked me, 'Do these jeans make my butt look big?' I mean the boy was getting on my nerves. I've tried to ignore him but he is just to damn cute to be ignored and I don't want none of those slut puppies trying to get at my Samuel. Wait, what? My Samuel? When did I become so damn possessive? I mean it's not not like im dating him or something, hell, we just met. But what if we did go out, I started day dreaming about our future.... Our kids would be so cute they coud have his blue eyes and my black hair and.. No no no, I mentally scold myself. Sam would never go for a lowlife like me. My heart hurt at the though of us not being together.
After 3rd period I told Sam I would meet him at the lunch room. He offered to come to my locker with me but I refused. I went to the bathroom , but what I failed to realize was that Brittany and her crew followed me in.

"Stay away from Sam. He's mine," She caged me in the corner of the bathroom.

"And if I don't, Skank?"I asked her.

"I will make your life a living hell"I cut her off by laughing, but with no humor.

"Really Brittany? Thats the best you got? Now move out my way Sam is waiting for me." I pushed pass her and her gang and went to my locker and got out my water bottle and apple and headed for the cafeteria. When I got there I noticed Sam and 5 other boys next to him, waiting by the door.

"What took you so long? We've been waiting for hours and we're hungry," Sam whined as he and his friends followed behind me as I lead them into the cafeteria and at the table I sat at everyday.

" I ran into a problem with some people. Now, are you going to introduce me to your friends?"I asked.

"Oh right. Guys this is Jessie. Jessie this is Oliver,Cole,Zack,Zane they're twins,and last Erik." He told me everyone's name.

"Nice to me-" I was cut off.

"Samuel do you and your friends want to sit with me and the rest of the cheerleaders rather than with this whore?" Brittany asked Sam.

"Look who's talking skank." I said to Brittany.


"Slut puppy"


"Wanna bee"

"Bitch"The whole cafeteria was listening now.

"Lightswich," I called her.

"What,"She asked confused as the rest of the room.

"You're just like a lightswich even little kids can turn you on," The whole cafeteria started to laugh.

"Is that all you got emo freak." She got all in my face.

"It's Jessie and I could go all day like you but I chose to keep my legs closed."

"How many emos does it take to screw a light bulb? None they're all sitting in the corner of a dark room cutting themselves." Everyone 'oohed'

You're just like a vacuum cleaner, you suck things up but don't spit out."I insulted her.

"At least im not ugly," Is that all she can do.

"Bitch please,I could wipe 90%of your "beauty" off with a wet Kleenex."She was about to say something but i cut he off my saying. "Bacon is bacon, eggs are eggs, don't let guys between your legs, they'll say they say you're cute, they'll say you're fine,nine mouths later they'll say 'not mine'." Don't judge the bitch had it coming.

"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?" I heard the principle yell as he walked into the cafeteria with the lunch lady who acts like she has a foot up her ASS.

"She keep calling me a slut," Whined Brittany.

" I didn't say you were a slut...I just implied that you don't sleep in your own bed too often." I corrected her.

"Well what ever you are doing I want it to quite unless you both want to be suspended." He said sternly.

"Yes sir,"Brittany said pouting.

"Yeah sure, whatever," I rolled my eyes.

" Now go on and finish your lunch." He waved his hand as if dismissing us.

"Now that was some funny shit,"Oliver highfived me.

"Yeah yeah yeah," I bit into my apple and took a sip of my water.


I wasn't going to end it here but I have to get ready for bed I have school tomorrow. I'll try to update after school tomorrow. Hope you all liked the chapter.



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