Chapter 3

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  * Picture of Grace Parker!
  * Dedicated to grrraacceee69
* Chapter 3, wooo c:

"The laws of attraction is this. You don't attract what you want. You attract what YOU ARE" ~ Dr. Wayne Dyer



     "Right so, thank you all very much for your introductions"
I quickly check the time and see that it's did time go so quickly? I begin rummaging through the intern files and handing them out to their owners.
"Inside your personal file you will find a briefing, it has general information on the business, a map of the building, important phone numbers, your ID pass which you must have on you at all times and your schedule for the next few months. Loose your file, you loose your opportunity to work here, because it will basically tell us 'I'm not organised so I cannot do this job'" I deadpanned.

"So any questions?" I ask raising my brow. "Goo-"
Her hand slowly rose up, as she looked at me dead on. I swear I audibly gulped at the thought of her directly speaking to me. Why was I all of a sudden nervous..excited even for her to start speaking again. It's odd..why do I feel like this for a total stranger let alone a woman. What is this feeling..? Realising I was staring at her like a fish..mouth opening and closing continually. I cleared my throat, stood straight. You can do it. Just do your job Jenny. Keep it together. My voice void of all emotion I answered;
"Yes, Grace?"


               "On our schedule, it says we have tutor time every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the first four months..what does that mean?" Her smooth voice sent chills down my spine, I gripped the desk and scolded myself for my stupidity. Realising once again that I'm failing to answer her I begin to iron out her queries.
  "From August to November, you will be assigned a member of staff who's job here is to plan weddings and other events. They will monitor your work, based on how well you co-operate, assist and plan-"

    "Who are we assigned to?" A nasally voice questioned, searching for the interrupter I see it was Kayla. Sighing I continue sending Kayla a pointed look as I do.
  "As I was will be graded basically on your work by the person you are assigned to..which you will find out after lunch when Mr.Wakefield joins us with the members of staff you shall be assisting. Remember your progress will be documented..if you can't help one member of staff on one job would you be able to help the employer of 150 staff? Organise his filing, arrange meetings and schedules. Handle important data and profiles of those using Wakefield's services. This is a test. You pass and you're one step closer to the job"
I scan the room to make sure everyone's on the same page. When no one speaks up I give them all a curt nod and inform them of their 40 minute lunch break, and of a family run café down the road they leave silently but my mind stays on the thought of food. Mm homemade cookies. At the thought of freshly baked goods my stomach decides it's a whale..a dying whale and gurgles impossibly loud.

The elevator finally gets to Ground level and I quickly make my way to Café Reflect well aware of how long the queues will be in the little coffee shop if I waste another minute. The rich, warming smell of coffee envelops me in a welcoming embrace, some colleagues are lingering and loitering about sipping on freshly brewed coffee and eating crisp pastries. The café staff greet me with a smile, and begin preparing my 'usual'. As you can tell. I never come here. Scanning the café I see the interns huddled in a corner table, chatting animatedly..if only they were that lively earlier. My eye is immediately drawn to Grace. Well the back of her head. It's a beautiful head none the less. The counter bell rings pulling me from my weird as hell thoughts and I pay for my coffee and panini making my way back to the office without giving the group a second glance.

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