Chapter 25: i wanna be with you you wanna be with me.

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A/n: Song playlist you must listen to while reading this chapter. (:

1- 5sos good girls.

2- they don't know about us-one direction.

A/n: Enjoy listening and enjoy the chapter. (:

Riley POV

I'm in class just thinking about if I did the right thing about agreeing to secretly dating.


I snap out of my train of thoughts.

R: sorry Jay what did you say?

J: I said do you wanna hangout after school. Are you ok?

R: (I force a smile.) uh- (I was about to answer but someone passed me a note interrupting me)

I hide the note under my desk and Read it. It says: Princess meet me tonight outside your window I have a surprise for you. (: xo Lucas~

I smile to myself while still looking at the note.

J: Riley so what is your answer?

I once again snap out of my daze and look up at Jay, who looks really irritated.

R: I can't Jay I have to, (thinking of an excuse) do homework. Hehe. (Laughs nervously)

J: ok. How tomorrow? (Smiles)

R: I'll call you later. (Kisses his cheek and runs out of class)

Now I know what you're thinking class wasn't over yet. But I wanna hang out with Lucas. I feel like we're actually the real 'Romero and Juliet' and we're the stars of the play. Weird right?

Authors note: hope you guys liked the chapter. Is Riley turning bad? You guys have to comment for more! (: love you all xoxoxo monies~ 😘💕

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