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His Tattoos ^^^ 🙌


"Oh My God I'm so sorry" his British accent alarmed me, I never knew he had an accent...although I've slightly tuned Megan out when she goes on and on about him. He helped me pick up the books handing them back.

"It's okay" I lightly chuckled, but he just spaced out at me once my eyes made contact with his beautiful blue ones. It started creeping me out a little though...do I have something on my face?! Finally he snapped out of whatever trance he was in.

"I-I'm-I'm sorry" he stuttered, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

"Its okay, Sierra" I introduced, trying not to be rude.

"Ed" he smiled, giving me a nice handshake.

"I know" I chuckled

He furrowed his eyebrows so I showed him Megan's bracelet.

"Oh" he understood, "are you a fan?"

"Yeah, but my sister would go ballistic if she were here right now"

He laughed "why?, would she freak out?"

"Big time."

"What are you doing with those books?" He questioned

"Oh I'm just returning them then heading out for dinner after"

"Oh I was just about to grab a bite to eat myself, would you like to join me?"

"Oh no Ed that's okay you do-"

"Please" he begged, not being able to resist his adorable plea I gave in, making his face glow with happiness.

"Here let me carry these" he offers, already grabbing the books before I can respond. He takes them and I continue walking. With Ed following.

"So your sister, what's her name?" He asks


"Has she been a fan for a while?"

"No, actually we've been fans for a week and a half now"

His facial expression changed to surprised, "a week and a half?" I nod. He stays a bit shocked as we continued walking down the sidewalk, thank goodness there wasn't as many people. We make our way inside and I direct him to the drop box. When we walk out I suddenly remembered the charges I'd have to pay off on them. I mentally roll my eyes. I'll make her pay it off with her money since its her fault.

"What's your favorite song?" Ed finally asks, as we walk

"Of yours?" .he nods. "A Team"

"Thank you" he smiles, I lightly reply with a your welcome as we make our way to the crowds of people. I squeeze my way between two sweaty chubby guys and weave through numerous people. Despite being claustrophobic I can do okay navigating my way through a crowd. I huff after I make my way out, Ed doing the same when he finally reappears as well.

"Is there an event going on?" He questions

"Probably" I shrugged

We continued walking in peaceful silence, I still wasn't quite sure why he wanted to take me out to dinner though. I'm just a stranger. When we got to my car I unlocked it then climbed in buckling my seatbelt.

"Is this your car?" He asks

"Me and my sister share it."

"Oh she has her License?"

Nothing Compares(Ed Sheeran)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt