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The awful thing that happens when you cannot sleep at night. I absolutely hate this, but I've found I only get it for two reasons: 1) I'm in Alaska during the summer and the sun will not stop shining through the window, and 2) I'm extremely stressed about something.

So here's the thing. We need our sleep, yes? But it's hard for us to sleep with the sun shining in our face, or when we're worried about something. So what do we do? Let's go through this a bit at a time.

 In order to sleep, or bodies need it to be as dark as possible. When is dark, it's easier to sleep because our eyes are not constantly looking around at some random thing in the room, which could remind you of something or someone. That can be hard however, if you share a room with someone who insists on having a nightlight, or if your somewhere like Alaska. The best thing to do in any of those situations is to get one of those face masks that people use to put over their face to keep out the light (see photo above). They can be uncomfortable at first. And itchy, and annoying, but you do get used to them... Eventually.

As for being worried, I advise you to not wait until the last minute to do something, because it freaks you out. But if you still are going to procrastinate, There's nothing I can tell ya. Unfortunately I'm not a magic worker who can pop through the screen and give you a potion to help you sleep.

Of course, once you have insomnia, it's hard to get back into the swing of things. your used to staying up who knows how late, and waking up more tired than heck. The only advice I can give you here, is time. You will eventually get back into your schedule, even if it doesn't seem like it now. Trust me, I go through this every summer and during, uhh... let's just call it shark week. I will not elaborate any further. 

I hope this has helped you out some. Comment if you have anything you need advice on, and I'll do my best to help you out. Thank you for giving this a chance, and I hope you enjoyed. And before I forget, DO NOT CUSS IN MY COMMENTS! Please and thank you.

ok byyyyeeeee!

- reading_geek_girl

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