Getting a job

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So this is something we all have to deal with. The dreaded "you need to get a job". And it's hard, especially if it's your first time because you have no experience. I mean, you can't get a job unless you have experience, and you can't get experience unless you have a job.

WRONG. You can have experience before you get a job. It's called 'volunteer work.' The more you do, the better. It not only gives you experience, but it also finds you people whom you can use for references in your resume. 

So what do you need to do to prepare for finding a job? Well, there are a few things. Resume's are super important. It tells your potential employer who you are and why they should hire you. So, here's the things you have to remember about resume's:

1. It needs to fit all on one page. it's too much of a hassle for employers to have 2+ pages that could be easily lost.

2. You do NOT need to write in full sentences. This is not an essay. You want to make it quick, easy and clear to read, so keep it simple

3. Don't forget to put down your contact information. Make sure you put down your name, phone number and email address.

Next you need to find a job you'd like to apply for. Look around town and ask for applications. Look for jobs online. It doesn't really matter how you find a job.

Now, when applying, you need to make sure you fill out any applications necissary, and you need to give the potential employers your resume. Then, after a couple of days, you need to contact them to see if they got your resume or if they are interested in setting up an interview with you. This is important; you need to do this so that your potential employer jnows that you are serious about applying for the job.

Now, for the actual interview, you need to dress in appropriate clothes; I was taught that women would wear nice blouses and skirts and gentlemen would wear button-down shirts and dress pants. You may have been taught differently, but, either way, you need to dress nicely. When you start the interview, make sure you start with a firm handshake (this is your potential employers first impression of you; no limp noodle hands) Keep in mind that you will be asked what sort of schedule you'd like to have for your job, should you get it (this will vary depending on your age). Speak loudly and clearly, and sit up straight. And be truthful. Employers respect those who are truthful in their interviews.

I hope that this has been helpful. Should anyone like me to elaborate on anything, let me know, and I'll make another chapter concerning this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2018 ⏰

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