Little kids

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With little kids, you have to know that you don't have to go through extreme measures to make them happy. All you usually have to do is flip on the tv, or let them color, or play house with them. They can be easily entertained.

However, you must remember that they are kids, and they love to get into everything, and color on the walls, or flush stuff down the toilet to see if it will overflow, so you do have to keep an eye on them.

Do not be afraid to tell them that they are not aloud to do something. If you do not tell them, and you just take it away, it is more likely they'll try to get to it again.

Also, just remember that they are not teenagers so you can't rant to them about how your jerk of a boyfriend cheated on you or whatever. Save that for your friends.

And most importantly, make sure that they have fun. Then having fun = no whining

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