Chapter six

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Katniss's POV

I straighten Peeta's tie before we walk into the victor banquet. "You okay?" I ask and he nods slowly. I see tears forming in his eyes and I stand on my tip toes and kiss his four head gently and keep my lips there for a few moments. Then I look at him and smile. "It's going to be okay Peeta." Then I hear Blazes sneeze. I look at her in Flavius's arms and I kiss her four head and smile, picking her up. "God bless you." I say and giggle when she squeals.

Then we are being announced and I take Peeta's hand with the one I am not holding Blaze with and put on the most dazzling smile I can. Then the currtens lift and the crowd of Capitol citizens screams. Peeta raises our hands high above our heads and they squeal. We walk down into the crowd to be greeted. I talk and shake many hands, men and women show me tattoos of my mockingjay pin on them, saying it's a new fashion statment.

I see the tables with Capitol dishes and I go and nibble. Blaze has fallen asleep in my arm and Peeta giggles. Then when I get to the fith table I'm stuffed. I go and sit, talking with some of the sponsers and then Blaze whimpers, turning her face to my breast. Everyone giggles and I blush red as Peeta takes her. "Come on Blaze." A avox takes her to be fed and then they start playing some slow music for everyone to dance. Peeta and I are always linked together during the night by our hands or arms, playing it up for everyone.

As we talk we sometimes get distracted and act like we are borderline delirious in our love for each other. We get caught trying to sneak away to get alone time a lot and everyone giggles. Snow then comes up to us to say hello and he smacks a kiss on my cheek. I look up into his eyes and ask my question. "Did I do it? Was it enough? Was giving everything over to you, keeping up the game, promising to marry Peeta enough? For a answer he gives a almost impercepitble shake of his head.

I have mixed emotions and then he smiles down at me. "Well I must be off, I just wanted to say hello." Then he's gone. Snow thinks I have failed? Well he is wrong, I have all but succeeded. Just then my drunken prep team comes over to us and hands us glasses of clear liquid. "Drink this!" Octavia says. Peeta picks one up to take a sip and they loose it.

"Not here!" They shreik. "You have to do it in there!" Vena says pointing to the bathrooms. "Or you'll get it all over the floor!" Peeta looks at the glass and puts it all together. "You mean this will make me puke?" My prep team busts out laughing and Flavius falls to the floor. "Of course, so you can keep eating!" Octaiva says with a giggle.

Peeta sets his back on the table with such precision you would think it might detonate. "Come on Katniss let's dance." Music filters down from the clouds as he leads me away from the team, the table, and out onto the floor. Effie has taught us how to dance like the Capitol does and I like the style. The music is slow and calming and I sigh when Peeta pulls me into his arms and I sigh. There are no steps really, we are just moving around in a circle slowly and then I look up at him. He leans down and kisses me slowly and all the drunken partners could really care less. Then he breaks away.

"In sorry Katniss, I didn't want this by force." I rest my head on his chest and shake my head. "There's no need to be sorry about anything." Then we dance silently until Peeta gets tapped on the shoulder. "May I have this dance with Miss. Everdeen?" A low voice asks. "Of course... But don't get any ideas." They both laugh, Peeta kisses me on the cheek and then I look up to see GameMaker Pultarch... Oh god this isn't going to be good

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