Chapter 6

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Reminder: I don't own Rick's characters!

Clover POV

Thank you Leo. Now I get the mike. *sigh* Okay, this next part is sort of sad, but really interesting. Warning- If you don’t like fluffy love stuff, don’t listen anymore. (Oh shut your trap Leo! It’s true! *rolls eyes*)  Anyway, sorry if we are scaring some of the people listening. All of this is a lot to take in. Lovey Dovey scenes ahead!

I felt ashamed. Ashamed at myself. Why did I look into the horse’s eyes? Leo did mention that I was pale, but that wasn’t the half of it. My insides felt like they were turning inside out. I didn’t want to, but I had made Leo promise me that he would remember the events we had shared. I probably sounded lame, but it had a purpose. (You’ll figure out later) I trudged forward, determined to finish all of the problems. Leo walked next to me, looking at me as if I was about to faint right there and he had to catch me. (Sure that might have been true that I felt like I was going to pass out, but I didn’t need the look to encourage me). We stepped onto the steps of Zeus’s cabin and I looked inside. I doubted Jason would be there, and I was right, but there was a schedule that he used that I could use. I stumbled inside and walked over to a piece of paper that was taped to the wall. I looked at it and went through the times.

“Leo, what time is it?” He reached into his tool belt and pulled out a wall clock.

“About 10:30 am. Where is Jason right now?” I looked at the schedule again.

“He should be picking strawberries. Come on, we need to hurry.” I turned and started to run out the door. I almost stumbled to the ground, but Leo grabbed me, stopping me in my tracks.

“Woh, you need to slow down.” I smiled, but I bet Leo could tell it was forced.

“Leo, I’m fine. Come on, let’s just get this over with.” I pulled out of his grasp and started to jog down the path. He grumbled something then came jogging after me. We ran back down the same path we used to go to the pegasus stables.

“This... is.... the.... last.... time.... I am.... using.... this path!” Leo said between deep breaths. We jogged past the stables and ran into the fields. We slowed our pace to speed walking and looked at all the campers picking berries. I spotted Jason sitting next to Piper dumping a bucket of strawberries into a bigger basket. Leo and I ran up to them and they spotted us. Piper waved, but when she saw our faces, her smile faded. I sat down next to them and took deep breaths. My eyes were swimming with black spots, but I shook them off.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Piper asked, setting the basket of strawberries aside. I couldn’t say anything, but Leo explained everything. When he finished, Jason and Piper looked at each other.

“This sounds serious. Of course we will help.” said Jason, standing up. I smiled, but the feeling in me seemed to stab me in my gut. I groaned and grabbed my stomach. Leo grabbed me and asked,

“Clover, what’s wrong?” I swallowed and tried to pull myself together.

“Nothing, just a stomach ache.” Leo looked at me all serious like, which wasn’t a face I saw very often.

“No, it’s not. Tell me what’s wrong.” I shook my head,

“Leo, I swear, I’m fine.” I stood up and took a deep breath, “We need to finish this up.” It took all my willpower not to tell him, but I had the strength to do it. Leo didn’t look convinced, neither did Piper and Jason, but I was determined to keep myself together. I looked across the valley at the camp. I wondered who the person was who did this to me and if they was in plain sight, or if they were in distinct disguise. I heard people in the forge banging on metal, campers in the arena hitting swords and shields, and all the way on the other side of camp, the climbing wall crashing together. I needed to control my emotions or this whole place would collapse and crumble. The secrets I had could do that as well, and I admit I still had trouble keeping them from Leo, but it wouldn’t matter what I told him. I had a plan. I shook off my deep thoughts and looked at the others.

“We need to hunt this person down. Somehow, they have been poisoning the campers and animals. We need to stop them before someone else gets hurt.” The group of three nodded and I thought about their very first quest. They had done so many wonderful and dangerous things, and I was just some random person Leo was dating. A worthless, stupid, horrible..... I could feel my anger raising. My eyes burned, as if I had put salt in them. I shut them and cringed.

“Clover, what’s wrong?” asked Piper, stepping toward me. I blinked a couple times, but it didn’t go away. I looked at Piper and she scrambled away from me.

“Leo, what’s wrong with her?” Piper asked in fear. I looked at Leo and he stiffened.

“Clover..... what....?” Leo couldn’t even finish his sentence. My eyes still burned and I could feel my anger raising to a dangerous level.

“What?!” I screamed at him. Why am I yelling at him? He didn’t do anything wrong. I thought, but my mouth spoke for me. “Am I not as pretty as you thought?!” Leo swallowed and I grit my teeth. I was trying to fight the overwhelming feeling of anger, hatred, and all feelings bad to replace with good, comforting, and happy feelings. I was losing, I could feel it.

“Clover, calm down.” Jason said in a firm voice. I sneered at him.

“Like you can talk Sparky! Back off!” Jason was so shocked, he sparked blue electricity. Leo stepped  next to me and grabbed my hand. Feelings of happiness flowed up my arm and the burning sensation subsided a little bit. It was just enough for me to spit out the words,

“Leo, what is going on?” before my anger returned and took me over. “BACK OFF!!” I screamed and slapped Leo’s hand. He yelped and pulled away. I snarled at him, “You and your stupid gang better get out of here before I bite your heads off!” Leo was almost as shocked as Jason, but Piper took control of the conversation.

“Clover, listen to my voice,” I listened, “Calm down and let’s talk.” I felt the anger drain out of me and I felt limp. I slumped forward, but Leo caught me in his arms.

“Clover, everything is going to be alright. I’ve got you.” The words were so comforting, my body felt like it was floating on air. Then I realized that Jason was using his wind powers to help me stand.

(Leo, shut up! I know I sounded stupid. I don’t need it rubbed in!)

Piper looked into my eyes and said something like,

“They are a yellowy green color. Look for yourself.” Leo looked at me and his hair caught fire. I smiled on the inside because I didn’t have the strength to do it physically.

“This is what Drew and the out-of-control pegasus eyes looked like. We need to contact Chiron.” They carried me off, but I didn’t see what happened after that. I passed out.

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