Chapter 5

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AN: At last, the final chapter. For some unknown reason, this chapter took a while for me to complete. I redid it a couple of times because it didn’t feel right. I am satisfied with this version, however. As satisfied as an author can be, right?

Anyway, there is a bit of fluff in this chapter. But only a bit. Easily over looked as bromance or simple close friendship, really. Enjoy!


Chapter 5:

They had to form two groups before they could use the Warp Wires effectively. Lynus, Axel and Chi-hung were in one group, taking the two injured explorers with them. Axel pretty much had Avith by the scruff of his neck while Rahas leaned against Chi-hung for support. They could not bring back Binah’s body with them just yet. Tomorrow, perhaps, they could retrieve her.

So they could, you know, but her to rest.

The rest of their guild obviously formed the other team and promised to be right behind them when they warp out as well. It had been such a relief to see the town’s lights shimmering in the distance when they warped out of the labyrinth.

There wasn’t much else Lynus could do for either Avith or Rahas, but to take them both to the hospital. He wanted to see Dr Stiles anyway. So he could put the other man’s mind at ease.

While they deliver the two hurt dark hunters to the hospital, the rest of their guild were heading to the Inn. It was really late now. Or real early in the morning, whichever way you wanted to look at it. The streets were rather quiet, only a few explorers shuffling around.

As they neared the hospital, Lynus was quiet surprised that Avith didn’t struggle in Axel’s grip. Maybe he was far too deep in mourning to care. Or perhaps Axel had muttered a warning to him to keep still. The last thing you want was to have a landsknecht’s hand around your neck.

Once inside, it wasn’t hard to find Dr Stiles. He had been waiting for them and the relief in his gaze was evident when he saw that Lynus was alright. But then his eyes narrowed when he noticed that Axel was dragging Avith with him.

Axel practically threw Avith at Dr Stile, the injured dark hunter hitting the hard floor at his feet with a barely audible groan. “Get him out of my sight before I embed my axe into his spine.”

Dr Stiles looked down at Avith, his lips drawn into a tight line. “We’ll take care of him,” he said. Although the nature of those words should have reassuring, they weren’t in the slightest for Avith, who grimaced from his position on the floor.

Lynus helped Rahas to stand, aiding him as he staggered over to a bed. Rahas hadn’t said a word during the entire trip back. He seemed exhausted; physically, mentally and emotionally.

Dr Stiles turned his attention to Rahas after ordering a few lingering staff members to take care of Avith. “Where’s Binah?” he asked. “I take it she was with you as well?”

It was remarkable how Dr Stiles seemed to remember the names of all his patients.

“I’m sorry,” Lynus muttered as he shook his head. “She didn’t…”

Lynus winced when he recalled the sound of the beast’s roar before it…The crushing of bones…It was going to leave an impression on him for quite some time.

“I see…” was all Dr Stiles muttered simply, a flicker of remorse in his gaze. He quickly turned back to the talented and dedicated doctor that he was and went back to work, fussing over Rahas.

With nothing more that he could do, Lynus squeezed Rahas’ shoulder as a form of silent comfort before he walked over to Axel. As they turned to leave, Axel’s arm wrapped around his shoulders and Chi-hung moved to walk by his side. It was comforting having two guild members with him and he was happy for the support as he felt so tired now. Everything was catching up on him.

Saving the Healer - Etrian Odyssey (hints of Boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora