Tears and tantrums (Chapter 14)

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(Sorry for the long waited update but here it is)

*time jump*

I was sat at our home in Las Vegas while the boys are in Italy on lockdown. You see I cant go with them as im 7 months pregnant with our first, we are having a boy. Zak was ecstatic when he found out I was pregnant but as the months past he became very protective of me so I was home bound with his mum and everyone looking in on me when he was away.

They would be home soon as I looked at the clock while flicking through the channels on the tv. Just then the door opened and Zak walked in. Normally Gracie would run straight to him but she didn't she hid under the bed.

Zak slammed the door and headed straight upstairs. I struggled to get up from the couch but managed it and made my way upstairs.

"Zak?" I called "hunni" I finally found him in our room. His bags ny the door he was laying on the bed staring up at the ceiling"baby?" I called

He turned and faced me but the man looking back at me wasn't Zak. It looked like him but his face was drawn his eyes were black not his usual colour his jaw clenched. He then looked back at the ceiling "get out" he said in a low growl

"what?" I asked

"get out" he said "pack you stuff and get the hell out" he shouted.

I had tears down my face but I did what he wanted I grabbed two suitcases and packed what I needed as well as the bits I could pack for the baby. I then took them downstairs well tried the best I could being 7months pregnant. I then threw the house keys on the kitchen table and left in my car. Tears still streaming down my face. I needed to confront nick and aaron about what happened, I was also in pain as littlen was kicking me hard.

I dropped my key on the kitchen counter top then placed my bags in my car and drove off.

I was going to speak to the boys but I went to the next person I could think off.

I knocked on the door and within a few minutes he opened the door


"hey Billy" I said using my sleeve to wipe the tears that fell on to my tear stained face

"come in what happened?"

I followed him in but didn't answer him

"what happened in Italy?" I asked

"what are you getting at?"

"Zak he isn't himself, his eyes are black, his face is drawn, he doesn't sound like him, plus he just kicked me out" I said between tears

Billy didn't say anything he just looked stunned.

"well you can stay here with me till we sort this out"

" I could t do that to you billy" I said trying to get up of his deep couch

"I insist" he said stopping me so I just slumped back down

"thank you Billy"

Billy showed me where I would be staying and helped me with my cases as I got settled in. My head running with a thousand thoughts of what I was going to do. I cant stay here forever alone. The only option was to wait for littlen to arrive and then fly back to England but I had no one there. No family, no money and nowhere to stay but then I didn't have any of that here did I.

* time jump*

Billy being the amazing friend I had was at tho current moment rushing me to the hospital as my waters had just broke

" I need help my friends in labour " he said rushing me in

"billy don't leave me please, your all I got" I said grabbing hold of him

" don't you want me to phone Zak?" He asked

" why bother he won't come"much to my comment billy still phoned Zak but went straight to voicemail so he left a message, then rushed to my side

Moments later of screaming and cursing Zak Bagans I gave birth to a healthy 6pound baby boy who I named Dexter and of course he was the spitting image of Zak as he had the same eyes and black hair.

Billy got first hold after me "congratulations Chloe he is gorgeous" he claimed

"thanks Billy I could t of done it without you" I told him

Later the next day we left the hospital and headed home. Id just put Dexter down when I there was a knock on the front door, I went to open it billy was out running errands. But I was shocked who was at the door it was Zak.

"Zak?" I asked

"hey Chloe" he said at least he looked and sounded like himself

"can I come in I need to talk to you?"

"sure" I said cautiously and stepped aside so that he could enter.

We made our way over to the living room where he sat down I stood

"I want to apologize first of, but I didn't know what to do with myself, you see I was possessed by a demon from our lock down in Italy. I tried so hard to fight it but I just couldn't shake it off so only two days ago I was cleansed and well back to normal, well normal for me. And at the time I did what I thought was best for you, I know that you probably don't see it that way but I didn't want what was attached to me to hurt you or the baby"

I tried to take it all in but it was a bit much

" I know in doing this I have probably lost you forever but you have to believe me I never wanted any of this to happen" he finished

But as I was about to speak a cry could be heard both our heads looking in the direction of where it came from " can I see him?" Zak asked I didn't answer I just headed to where Dexter was.

I picked him up "hey munchkin whats the matter" I said. The second I picked him up I could tell it was a nappy change. So that's exactly what I did, however out of the corner of my eye I could see Zak leaning on the doorframe with his arms across his chest watching my every move.

After I redressed Dexter I picked him up and made my was over to Zak as I did he shifted positions and stood upright and dropped his arms "Zak meet your new born son Dexter" I said handing him to Zak

"hey kiddo" Zak said holding him close to his chest and supporting his head.

He seemed like a natural dad so I was kinda happy I mean after everything was I really gonna stop Zak being a dad to Dexter? No is the answer every kid should know who's his parents are. Was I going to forgive Zak for what happened?maybe who knows? But as of right now no im not going to forgive him but I give him a chance.

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