Chapter 6:Re-kindled

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Chapter 6:Re-kindled

Matts POV

Me and Talia reversed into the shopping centres parking lot making sure to get the biggest space we could find. It felt so weird being out with Tal again, she just has this affect on me where I can be a completely different person yet still myself and she won't care .

" Alright my dorky hunk of a friend, we have some shopping to get to!" Talia shouted to me from behind the car, she sure new how to attract the attention. Many heads had turned and where all giving me a weird look, an elderly couple gave me a look which meant you and your girlfriend are very cute if only they new, I wish for that every day , hopefully it will come true.

" Coming, slow your ass down Tal! How do you manage to walk so fast in them flippin heels of yours, they are like 2 inches tall!" I replied

" 4 actually ! Also it takes talent to master the art of walking in heels. Not everyone can be as talented at it as me ." Talia smirked. Boy was this gonna be a long ass day, I'm happy though about it.

We walked into the shopping centre and she dragged me into Topman to buy me a blue and white checkered shirt, brown jeans and some brown converses .

" Their first outfit all done! You will look amazing by the end of the day" Talia spoke as she handed the cashier the money I gave to her. She smiled and gave Talia the receipt and went on to her next customer.

" Thanks Tal, I knew you were the right person to ask to help me with this." I replied to her. We walked out of Topman and I stopped, up ahead stood a girl with beautiful blonde flowing hair , she was wearing a black top which read take a picture for the memory to last and a pair of black jeans.

" Matt! Hellloooo , oh I see looking at the girl over there eh, you should go speak to her. Introduce yourself and let her get to know you" Talia pushed me forward but before I could stop her the girl in front of me started walking towards me.

" Why if it isn't Matt! Long time no see, I missed you! " She exclaimed and gave me a hug. This was Sarah my ex, she was stunning, an amazing dancer and just down right amazing. Basically she was my poor excuse at attempting to get over Talia and I fell in love with her but she moved away to France for 2 years as an exchange student and we decided it would be best to break up.

" Oh my wow! I can't believe you are actually here Sarah... Wow it's been a long time. How was France? Did you make new friends? How have you been? I just can't believe your back! " I smiled and gave her another hug, I felt kinda awkward being like this in front of Talia but I just couldn't help it, Sarah was back and I was very happy about it .

" Woah okay slow your horses Mr Curious. France was amazing! The cuisine, fashion and people are to die for! Yes I have made some new friends , I even met a guy out there named Jean Paul but we needed to leave things behind due to me coming back here and I've been fine! Gosh Matt we have been standing here talking and you still haven't introduced me to your friend over here. Hi I'm Sarah ." She stuck out her hand for Talia to shake along with a big smile.

" Hai I'm Talia, it's so nice to meet you. So how come you and Matt know each other then, did your parents used to be close or?" Talia questioned.

" The opposite actually we used to date. We broke up 2 years ago because I moved away to France but now I'm back." Sarah exclaimed

" Yeah and you didn't call missy! Talia would you mind if we catch up later I really want to catch up with Sarah as its been so long" I ask, hoping she wouldn't feel to bad, I mean I know I organised this trip to change my look but I haven't seen Sarah in ages plus she could help me out with style.

" Yeah sure it's fine, don't worry about it" Talia replied, walking off towards Select to probably by herself a new scarf, she mentioned that to me earlier.

Me and Sarah spent the rest of the day talking over Taco Bell and Coke. Turns out she joined the French hockey team, lost 2 stone and had been dating someone for 1 year. I'm really happy for her.


I'm so sorry for the long wait for the update, basically I've been filled to the brim with coursework to do. There is going to be a double update to make up for it . Sorry once again.

Next update: Tonight or tommorow depending on time.

Teaser: Matt joins the cool kids at their table. He starts to get on well with one of the girls.. Could his feeling change for Talia..

TheLittleBrunette.x 💜

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