Chapter 2: Hometown Groove

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      Steven James Hyde is a 29 year old two time divorcée, who lives in a two bedroom apartment with his cat, (who he refused to name, though sometimes, unknowingly calls doll) and his on/off girlfriend Cara.
Though this may not sound like a life full of substance, Steven was as happy as Steven could be.
Last year Steven's father agreed to let him take over his record store in Point Place, and so Steven wanted for not.
At this moment Steven was leaning against the counter at Grooves when his long time best friend Eric walked in, followed by his son Zachary.
"Hey kid." Steven said, fist bumping Zac and continuing to hit Eric upside the head.
"Ow, damn Hyde! I'm going to get a concussion!" He exclaimed.
Zac laughed, "Mom already did that, this morning." He laughed, harder.
"Good." Steven said. He looked at Eric and smiled. "What's up?" He asked.
"In service day, I have to go to school, but he can't not after last time." Eric sighed.
Steven was positive that his friends kids were the closest he'd ever get to having his own.
He had somehow been marked as Godfather to them all and if something happened he would suddenly become sole guardian of five kids. This knowledge had effected him, it had made him think about his future. It had matured him.
"Alright, child labor laws are being thrown away today, kid. Get to stockin'." Steven, joked.
Not much had changed about Steven's life over the years, yes, he had aged, matured, had even been married, not once but twice. However, he was still him. He didn't move out of The Foreman's basement until he was 26 when he remarried, though it only lasted 7 months, it had taught him something. Before Heather, his 2nd wife, he was stuck in life. He wasn't alive. He just existed, the reason he agreed to marry her was because he had hoped she would make him feel alive again. To say the least it didn't work, in fact she ended up hating him. She split town with Casey Kelso and hasn't been heard from since.
It didn't hurt Steven that he had two failed marriages, he wished happiness for both of them.
Then there is Cara who pretends it hurts. Steven had vowed to never marry again. He didn't want to hurt anyone else, which is why he barley gave himself to her. Their relationship was one sided, she was the one who gave. Though, she knew he would never commit, that she would never get into his heart, she hide behind him. She, herself, afraid of commitment.
She would never admit it or let it show, but she was glad a ghost had ran off with his heart.
After work Steven and Zac drove to The Foreman's for dinner.
"Hey Guys!" Donna exclaimed, opening her arms for Zac to run into.
"Hey." Steven said, down to the table.
He reached over and kissed Kat, Donna and Eric's oldest daughter on the forehead, then reached over and gently rubbed their other, Leena on the head. "Ladies." He said, poking Kat on the nose.
"What's for dinner?" Steven asked, turning to Donna.
Every Friday the whole gang would get together for dinner to catch up.
"Lasagna." She said going back to the counter.
Eric walked in and went to give Donna a kiss then proceeded to give one to the rest of his family.
"How was work?" Donna asked.
"It was silent. Usually I live for it but on teachers in service its mind numbing." He answered.
Soon everyone else filled in and the living room looked like Thanksgiving when Red and Kitty lived there.
Not much had changed in Pointe Place. The phone numbers didn't even change.

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