Chapter 6: Home

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It was now mid November and a month since the accident. Jackie is 7 months pregnant and on lite-moderate bed rest until the baby comes.
A week ago Steven piled Jackie and most of her things into a moving truck and headed to Point Place. The drive there was silent for the most part. Mostly they discussed parents. Steven had to explain that everyone thought for a while that she had gone to be with her Mother, but then two years after she skipped town Pam had turned up looking for Jackie. That's when they all feared the worse.
Jackie was living with Donna and Eric indefinitely and she loved it. She had seen Michael and his wife Brooke and their kids Betsey, Micha, and Ella. She also met Fez's family Amy and Jackson. She felt like she was home for the first time since she had awoken in the hospital.
Point Place was exactly the same except for the people.
Steven was very secretive about his life and Jackie let it alone. She figured it was no longer her business, though it did hurt; seeing him leave everyday.
Jackie and Donna had a heart to heart. Donna explained what had happened in 1979 and that she had spent the past eight years with guilt eating her. She did tell Jackie about how hard Steven had taken her leaving, that it completely changed him. Donna and Eric would sit with her and tell her stories about what she had missed.
When Kitty and Red came to see Jackie, Red lost it and held her while they both cried. No one had ever seen Red cry, so they all cried, too.
It had been an emotional week and Jackie was hoping to establish some sort of normalcy.
Donna was 8 months pregnant with her fourth baby and had decided to take her last pregnancy off. She had done so a week before Jackie reemerged back into their lives, Eric believed it was fate.
Jackie and Luna were laying in bed, watching The Young and the Restless when Donna came in with popcorn and sat down with them. As Jackie brought a piece to her mouth she suddenly flashed back to her sitting in a Theater with Dash, he was joking about Joyeuses Pâques; the film they were watching. He had made Jacqueline laugh so loud that their fellow film goers had turned to shush them, which was met with Dash throwing popcorn at them.
When Jackie started laughing then crying uncontrollably, Donna freaked out. She didn't know what to do, she held Jackie's trembling body until she fell asleep.
After Eric came home he was followed by Kitty, Red, and Steven. Donna retold the days events to them. "-And then she just started sobbing... It scared me." Donna admitted, a tear escaping her worried eyes.
Eric wrapped an arm around Donna and Kitty patted her hand. "She most likely remembered something." She said, softly. "This most likely won't be the last time. If Amnesia victims get their memories back, it hits them in waves. Like remembering Luna's name, it happened a week ago and it was just a detail, One small detail from a decade of lost memories. Today was probably a lot more than a detail, I'm sure it was a vivid, important memory, that shocked her." Kitty explained.
When Jackie woke up she laid in the darkness of her room listening to Luna sleep peacefully beside her. She replayed the memory she had retrieved over and over in her mind, trying hard to remember something else, anything else. She tried so hard her head began to throb.
She wasn't sure how much time had past when her door opened and Eric came in carrying a glass of water. The sight sent another memory to her and she, unknowingly whispered 'Dash'.
"No, no it's Eric." He said quietly, turning on her beside lamp.
"I know. I'm sorry." She said sitting up.
Although before coming back to Point Place Jackie couldn't stand Eric, she liked this Eric. She respected him.
"No, I'm sorry Jackie. I'm sorry you have to go through this. It isn't far and it's strange seeing you so sad." He admitted.
She nodded and he handed her the water he had brought her.
"It was about him wasn't it?" He asked, softly.
She nodded again and he moved closer wrapping her into a hug. "I didn't know him but I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost Donna. I wouldn't." He comforted. "Also I want you to know that there isn't anything all of us wouldn't do for you, Jackie. We love you and we're happy you're in our lives again, even if you a new, sadder, larger Jackie." He finished putting his hand on her belly and laughing with her.
"When you were coming in a remembered something else." She confessed.
Eric sat up and waited for her to continue.
Jackie cleared her throat, "When I was newly pregnant I had terrible morning sickness. I used to vomit all day long and Dash would make me this amazing smoothie that would magically make me stop throwing up." She laughed again. "It's such a simple memory but it's mine Eric. It's a piece of me I'm being given back. When I first woke up and I was told it was 1988 I freaked out and when I seen Steven's eyes in the hospital for the first time I didn't want my memories back, I didn't want to remember a life without him... But now I- now I have to know, Eric. I need to know."

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