Chapter9:After The Fight

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I woke up.. with paramedics all around me, my mom was not among none of them not any of my family for that matter.

I tried to sit up but the paramedics just laid me back down and told me that the more I moved the more difficult it would be to stop the bleeding in my arm.I asked what had happened he responded with a look that made him look as if he preferred not to answer that question.

You suffered some blood forced trauma to the head, and your arm has a 9cm cut down the length of your forearm that was just a millimeter away from severing your main artery in your if an closer it would have potential snapped in half and would have caused you to die from bleed out and die. Your lucky the operator was able to trace your call back to this location or else you would have died from blood lose anyways because of the wound you have right now.

I can tell I had a look of pure shock because the paramedic asked what had happened...Because there's no way to conceal a cut like this with a lie like I did with all my other wounds that I got from Kelly and Candy both so I told him, and after his reaction which was a look of pure disgust and it seemed like it was coming towards me than anyone else I decided to never EVER tell any one else what I had been through unless I could trust then enough. Until I decided to write this book anyway.

Before my mom had gotten home I decided to clean the house up of all my blood and all evidence just so I didn't have I explain the contents of the night and vowed never to tell my mom what had happened. So that easy she never found out I decided to go change into a clean shirt and pants, which were caked in blood, and did some laundry to make it look like I was busy all night long.

When my mom got home and asked what had happened to Kelly, all I could say was that Kelly didn't want to live with us anymore and that he left his ring in their bedroom and said he was never coming back, which wasn't a complete lie.She believed me said ok and goodnight and went to bed and all I could do was smile and think that my life is going to get back on track with Kelly AND Candy out of my family's life's and particularly mine too.



Now that we have finished that part of the story....FINALLY!!!! Now I hope y'all have a glimpse of why I write that quote in every chapter of my story.. It's to help me remind to NEVER NEVER EVER sink as low as Candy and Kelly did no matter HOW BAD the situation gets that's why I do that and in any other books I'll write in the near future hopefully I'll have this quite in them or another quote that I might like or think proteins to me. THANK Y'ALL FOR READING. Stay tuned for the next chapter and bare with me y'all I'm trying to make it as interesting as possible that way y'all don't get bored with me.

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