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Rosa claims that Dante is not over her but he is. Dante has moved on with Kay that's What Anthony and I keep telling her that she must just move on cause Dante moved on. Dante and Kay have a long hug and the hug ended up to be a kiss but guess who was looking at them, yep u guessed it, it was Rosa. Rosa got so jealous she grabbed Chris and started kissing him but Rosa got lucky because Chris was planning to ask her out but the kiss said it all she was going to say yes. Well she did say yes. It was like a kissing Gala like the song Marvin Gaye by Megan trainer cause Anthony grabbed me and we started kissing oh my word. That was my highlight of the day.

But then some chick called zendaya saw me kiss Anthony.
She liked Anthony so she got jealous. She was in the 6th grade like I am and we both liked a 7th grader. Which was not awkward at all. But he was mine cause I'm dating him let me not say was let me say is mine. So now as she saw us kiss she got so jealous that she told Anthony's ex -girlfriend that she saw us kiss. Zendaya came up to me once she saw that me and Anthony was finish kissing. She asked him to excuse us and he went but before he went we hugged. Zendaya started cussing at me I was just like OK whats up with you know? She says to me that best friends don't do that to each other. I just went to her and told her that no he kissed me I didn't kiss him. She just be like but u know I liked him first I can't believe you just stole my man. I was just I didn't steal him he stole my heart.

Zendaya just left and went to Rosa and Chris and asked them if they were dating and she said yeah he my man now and Chris said that she his girl now.

Now Rosa and Dante do not get along cause "he broke her heart " as if he did. But at least they have both moved on. I wonder if they really like they partners because it seems like they only dating because they wanna make each other jealous. Who knows maybe they do like them or maybe THEY DONT .WHO knows . But hey we'll find out in the future.

why her and not meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora