chapter 4

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The helped Waleed with his bloody hand and gave him some food for his way. Waleed thanked him and then asked him what's his name the man ran away Imediatly. Days after days past until he reached to the borders of turkey but there all his problems began not in the borders in turkey!! Whe he went into turkey a Turkish soldier remembered Waleed because they asked the people if you see him tell us but he also remembered that they said he's died. He saw his picture in the security camera and showed the Iranian army and they told the Turkish soldier that this is him. The Turkish army started looking for him. He found out that they are looking for him so he wanted to go to Cyprus to open a new life. He had bigger problems first he needed to escape from turkey and it wasn't easy like how he went out from Iran. "A new day has come and this day is a special day it is my birthday." He started his journey to Cyprus. He started walking for an hour and the he heard police siren and then he started running he saw a man and asked him for help but the man didn't understand his language. He escaped from the army.

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