chapter 5

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Years past and he became 23 years old and he still didn't escape from turkey he was going to escape that day until he saw a beautiful women and asked her father to marry her and what he didn't know is that they are also Iranians that escaped to turkey. Her father agreed and then he called his parent from his brides house to come to the wedding but not his family answered it was the Iranian commander of the army and told him we are coming to you! The father of the bride was in the Turkish army because he became a Turkish citizen now. He told the Turkish army that the person that they are searching is going toarry his daughter and begged them to leave him and that the Iranian army are coming to turkey to take him. The turkish soldiers told him "We will protect him."
The father who's name was sa'eed thanked them and went o his way.

The other week on their wedding they heard bombs and it was the Turkish army bonding the planes of the Iranian airforce. They finished the wedding and went to their new house. After two years they had a baby a cute new born baby. Then bad news came to the parent about the baby.

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