Ally you got me

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Chapter two of We good...bro? Edited

Published on Nov. 12 2015. (sorry it is a day late editing took longer than thought)

A/n hey guys i told you that i was really gonna go through with this four chapters to start off with thing.

*stevie's pov*

*beeeep. beeep. beeeep.* "Ugh fuck i'm up i'm up. No one fucking likes you!" I yell throwing my alarm at the wall finally silencing the ear splitting ring. 6:45 am Fuck why do I have to work at a coffee shop? Oh that's right I wanted to. Fuck me. Ugh I drag myself hastily out of my bed and into my bathroom wincing at the raccoon and puffy eyed girl in the mirror. I stood there assessing what I would have to do to get the makeup off without using a makeup wipe. "Yupp not happening" I said going and grabbing one of my make up wipes. "Fuck. My. Fucking. Drunk. Ass. Self." I said after each swipe of the wipe went against my already very sore eyes. I started the shower and stripped all of my clothing off (well the shirt and underwear I managed to keep on last night.) I stepped into the hot water letting every single one of the drops run over my body. I stood there thinking about my life. When am I ever going to find the one? I am 23 years old and just got out of a 4 year long relationship. We ended things on good terms but I still just wanted to find THE one. I want to know what it feels like to feel the spark with someone you love and how it feels to kiss them call them yours.....I wonder what she looks like? I bet she is pretty. Man what if she has brown eyes? Or Blue even? Oh em jigglypuffs I need to stop right fucking now. On the brightside my cousin is hosting a brunch with some of her friends. Maybe I will meet someone that is more than just a fuck buddy to me. I washed myself and then got out seeing as it was 7:45 and I needed to get to work by 8:15 I needed to hurry. See reasons such as these are the reasons that I set my alarm for so damn early. I put on some black skinny jeans and a paramore shirt putting on my normal make up. After brushing my hair and teeth I run out to my car to drive to work.

*timeskip to when she is at work and at the register*

Ok i'm keeping count on how many people come up to order. I am so damn bored the only thing that captures my attention is the yelling of someone over by the door. She was holding her shirt screaming at this dude. Fuckboy I thought to myself. "What the fuck dude watch where you are fucking going! Damn why don't you just leave and go be a fuckboy somewhere else? Damn get that dumbass face out of my sight before i rearrange it." She was yelling. Her voice was angelic and she has a temper that was really hot though. I see her coming up to the register and I straighten up my posture. 'Why am I doing this for her' I asked myself as she walked up to me. "Hi...Um sorry about that lady He just spilled his coffee all over me I did not mean to make a scene." She said blushing and looking down at the ground. "It's fine um do you need a new shirt for the time being? I can clock out now anyway." She looked up and smiled. "Please if you don't mind I am kind of hurrying to make it to a brunch date." I smiled going over and clocking out putting up my apron on a hook saying goodbye to my co-workers. I smiled at the girl extending my hand. "Stevie. Nice to meet you...uh" "Ally nice to meet you too but to be honest I would have rather not embarrassed myself infront of a beautiful girl today." She said laughing bringing my hand up to her lips to kiss my backhand. I blushed and looked down at the ground. "Sooo.... shall we go get you that shirt miss ally?" I said still holding her hand. I don't know what it is about this girl but every time I look at her I feel like she should be the center of my world. "Yes please. Lead the way lady." She smiled and I started walking out to my car. "So where is this brunch date at?" I said going through my backpack to find the shirt I always keep handy. "The abbey...Um are you like the stevie boebi? Like the youtuber?" She asked that made me raise my eyebrows and turn around to look at her. I nodded my head yes and she blushed and looked terrified at the same time. "I-i-i--- i have to go it was nice meeting you sorry for being an inconvenience." She yelled running to her car and driving away. "Well that was weird....." I said to myself and turning around and putting all of my things back into my backpack. Not thinking as to why she would be so- Oh my god!!! What if she thought I was taken nooooooo. I was so pissed that I slammed my door so hard making the car alarm go off. "FUCKING SHIT STEVIE WHAT DID YOU DO?" my friend Shannon asked coming out of the shop. I shook my head and got in the driver's seat heading off to the abbey to meet my cousin. Maybe I will be seeing the ally while I am there. I smiled still gripping the steering wheel so hard that my knuckles were white.

Oh my god. Ally, I have known you for less than fifteen minutes and you already have me wrapped around your finger.

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now