Nice to meet you.....again.

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Chapter four of We good...bro? Edited

Published on Nov. 12 2015. (sorry it is a day late editing took longer than thought)

*ally's pov*

She was smiling at me. Wait. Why is she here did she follow me? "Haiii how much of that did you hear?" I asked nervously tapping my leg. As I usually do. "Oh that you think I am not just beautiful but that i'm perfect. Also that you are jealous of Riley..." She frowned as she said this. " And that you were checking me out." She finished smiling. She walked over to Al and hugged her taking a seat by her. I bolted. Once again. God Ally get it together. I ran into the bathroom and started hyperventilating, oh god she must think I am obsessive or something I have to go. I gotta go i'm gonna black out. Holy fuck. I take out my phone and dial Al's number. "Ally where did you go?" She asked worried. "Bathroom. Hyperventilate. Passing out. Come." Was all I was able to say before dropping my phone and sinking into darkness. I do not know how long I was out but I woke up back home in my bed. Was all of that a dream? I walked out of my bedroom to make my way to the kitchen. Standing at the stove was a very tired looking Al and on the stool by the bar was....shit it wasn't a dream. "Hey al." I said trying to act like I didn't notice the model that was in our kitchen. I looked at Stevie out of the corner of my eye and saw a look of hurt cross her beautiful face. I walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer only for it to be taken right out of my hand. "Ally stop being rude. This is my cousin Stevie Boebi. Stevie, Ally." I walked over to Stevie and stuck my hand out. She looked at it and hesitantly took it. I pulled her onto her feet. I leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Nice to meet you again Lady." I pulled back and kissed her back hand just as I had the day before. She blushed once again and looked down at the ground. I looked over at Al who was smirking about something. I wonder what she is up to now? Oh well I have the lady I have been crushing on for a while in my kitchen but I cannot do anything because she is taken. Just my luck. I step back from Stevie and grab her hand pulling her to my bedroom.

*stevie's pov*

Ally grabs my hand and pulls me to her bedroom. Wow this is quick I have only known her for two days and she is already doing this. We get to her bedroom and I look around. I knew she was into music. (While she was passed out I kind of stalked her youtube channel after finding the name out from Al) I never thought she would have so many guitars though and a drum set? Like what the fuck who has that kind of shit in their bedroom? "I do." She said frowning. "I'm sorry I didn't mean that to come out! I am just surprised you have so many guitars and a full drum kit. I didn't mean to offend you." She smiled but it was a plastered on fake smile. I could see it through her eyes. I may have known her for less than 72 hours but I know from the day before that when she smiles she gets this undescribable twinkle in her eyes. I walked over and hugged her. She immediately stiffened up and gently pushed me away. It kind of hurt. I was just trying to be nice and comfort her. She smiled sadly and walked over to her bed. I couldn't help but notice the way she sways her hips. She is actually very beautiful now that I have the chance to look at her. Her hair always parted on the side. Her bleached tips. Her beautiful green eyes that are like the tree tops in a twilight movie. Her lips are perfectly shaped. Her flaws are even flawless. Her sense of style is fucking bad ass. I need to be her friend so she can take me shopping. Friend. Why does that word hurt when I say it? I must have been standing there looking at her for a while because I snapped back to reality when a smirking Ally Hills was speaking my name. "Stevie.... Sttteeeevvvviiiiieeee....STEVE LIKE WHAT YOU SEE???" "DON'T CALL ME THAT ALLISON!!!" I yelled playfully at her. "Ok stevieson." She looked at her hands blushing. She then shot her head up and patted the spot next to her on the bed. I hesitantly walked over to the bed and sat down. Appearantly not close enough because as soon as I got comfortable she huffed out a breath and pulled my arm so that I was sitting on the bed with my back against the head board. She turns to look at me and I do the same she looks lost in thought. I grab her hand and squeeze it. "I know we just met and all but I want you to know that you can tell me anything ally." She looked into my eyes and nodded taking a deep breath. "Ok so first of all sorry for ignoring you when I first came into the kitchen. Secondly sorry for checking you out and flirting with you I don't want to ruin you and Riley's relationship. And lastly why did you give me your number last night? Didn't you think that I was like a weird crazed fan that stalks you?" She said all in one breath it was hard for me to comprehend. "Ok 1. It's ok you kind of made up for it when you met me.....again. 2. Why apologize and please don't post this on any social media but me and Riley broke up 2 months ago and we are thinking about making a video and announcing that we are not us anymore that it is just Riley and Stevie." I let out a shaky breath causing her to grab my hand. I smiled. " And third. I gave you my number because I thought that you were pretty cool and I wanted to hang out with you. You were too nice in the speech you gave Al About me to make me think you were a crazed fan. Everyone is in a fandom and you are just in my catagory." I said and smirked when I talked about the speech. She gently punched me in the arm. Making me giggle. I stood sad that I noticed the time. "I'm sorry i need to go to work call me sometime. OK?" She frowned and nodded standing up and wrapping her arms tightly around my waist and whispering 'thank you'. I wrapped my arms tight around her shoulder and rested my chin on the top of her head. "Anytime miss hills." She giggled and pulled away. The only thing that I did not know was that this was the last time I would be hearing that giggle or seeing those green eyes for a while.

A/n Hey guys whats up I hope you are enjoying the first few chapters I know one of them is really sad but I had to do what I had to do. SOOO anywho...If you have any ideas for a character tell me privatly and if i use them the first chapter they are in will be dedicated to you. Next chapter will be up next sunday. Nov. 21. 2015. I will she you the SEE YA LATER SUCKERS!!!!!!!

We good...bro? (Stally) (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now