Part 4: An Unfortunate Event

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The ground shook as the townsfolk raced into the castle, fleeing from the invaders. Men, women, and children fell under blades and arrows. "Rally troops, defend the citizens!" screamed my king as he hacked, stabbed, and slashed his way through invaders with his long, broad-bladed rapier. He blocked skull crushing blows with his light, but protective, tower shield. He was more fearsome a sight in his royal blue armor than was his elite guard that hacked away enemies alongside him. He shattered the body and will of any who dared stand against him. But as hard as the king as his troops fought, the loss of innocent lives continued. I hid from the battle underneath an overturned wagon in the town. I had gone to fetch a new jester's outfit when the gates fell. "Roshtur, where are you!?" he screamed amidst a break in the fighting. "I'm here my king!" I say as I throw off the wagon and race towards him. He sprints in my direction and says,"Down, now!" As he thrusts his sword over my head. I feel something warm spray across my back and then turn around to see an invader impaled by his sword. "Get to the castle Roshtur, and guards, to me!" I ran to the castle, past the bodies of the fallen. When the battle ended, we had won, but we had lost so many people. I found the king's advisor and asked him,"Where is the king, Lauric?" He said,"He is headed to his room, you should talk to him." He then waved me off to attend to other matters. I went to his room and peeked inside, and found what looked like a man made of crimson liquid. It was Gaalees, drenched in blood. "My king?" I said quietly. He looked at me with hollow eyes. He still held his sword and shield, ready to kill. "Please lay down your weapons my king and let me clean you up." His sword and shield clattered to the ground on both sides of him. I walked over and removed his armor, then his tunic. I took a bucket of water and a cloth and began to wipe away the blood. I ushered him towards the bed and let him lie down. Then I sang him a song of a mighty king who fought for his people. My mighty king.

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