Bitten by the love bug [KibaHina] 5 of 8

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*Song dedicated to this part of the one-shot is:

John Mayer--"Slow Dancing in a Burning Room"

Note: It was originally dreaming with a broken heart but I found this more fitting ^_^


A few hours had passed and everything was silent in the Inuzuka's kitchen. Tsume sat at the head of the table and Hana stood on her mother's right while Kiba sat slumped in a chair on the other end of the table with Hinata sitting next to him. The only sounds heard were the occasional growls from Kiba; giggles from Hinata; the flipping of pages and Ms. Inuzuka and her question: 'Is this it?' that was directed towards the young Hyuuga who was clutched to her son's shoulder. She would slide the bug journal to the young girl right after. Hinata would glance at the picture and so far every bug she saw she shook her head at it.

Tsume after hours of searching closed the bug book with a sigh.

"Well that was the last bug *sighs* Hinata we've been searching for the bug that bit you all afternoon. Are you sure none of those in that was it?"

She asked and placed her chin on her entwined fingers.

"I'm positive Gibo-chan."

Hinata smiled fondly at the Inuzuka leader and leaned into Kiba.

All the Inuzuka's in the kitchen blinked simultaneously.

"Hinata I'm not your Mother-in-law (Gibo-chan)."

Tsume said and she blinked...once...twice...three times.

"But you will be when I get married to Kiba-kun."

She said sweetly and smiled warmly as she looked up at Kiba then rested her head on his shoulder with a sigh of contentment.

Kiba stared down at Hinata with an unreadable face almost emotionless as the girl drew small circles on his chest.

The kitchen grew quiet causing the two females at the head of the table to share a worried glance.

A sigh escaped Kiba's lip and he looked off to the side.

"Hinata why would you say something like that about us when you know that will never happen."

Kiba muttered his words rang clearly through the still kitchen.

Hinata's hand fell in her lap and her hazy lavender eyes immediately darted to Kiba face and she look at him quizzically a puzzled look clear on her indigo hair framed porcelain face. [Bey, that was a serious mouthful just now. Try saying that three times fast.]

"I say that, because I love you Kiba-kun. And I'm sure that WILL happen someday."

Kiba glanced at Hinata to see her beaming with a bright smile. Then his eye drifted down to his lap and he cringed and a pained expression flooded his face as he watched Hinata hand entwined in his.

'Does she really mean that?'

Kiba glanced at her momentarily then he looked back down at their hands.

'It sounds so sincere but... I know better. She doesn't feel that way. She's not herself right now her minds hazy from that bug bite. But... the strange thing is... I want her to mean it.'

His heart was pinged by an unfamiliar pain. Kiba grimaced and stood up reclaiming his hand. His head remained low his pain unseen but immediately sensed by his family.

'Oh Kiba-kun...'

Hana thought with a sorrowful look towards her brother and Tsume sighed inaudibly and she watched her son.

"It's late. I'm heading off to bed."

Kiba mutters and turned away and walked towards the hallway.

"Wait Kiba-kun! I'm coming with you!"

Hinata yelled as she jumped up from her seat and sprinted over to him, jumping on him and causing him to fall.

"Now wait a minute there Hinata you can't-"

Tsume protested but was cut off.

"I want to stay with Kiba-kun! And I'm not going anywhere else."

Hinata protested stubbornly and held a tight grip around Kiba's neck.

"Very well then...Kiba take her with you."

Tsume instructed as she stood up.


Both pups stared at their mother like she grew a second head.

"Why are you guys staring at me like that? It's not that I approve this but we can't just send her back home all loopy and it's clear she isn't going to leave Kiba's side so what else to do than let her do such, right? Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine right Hinata-yome-Chan?" [Yome-- Japanese for daughter-in-law]

Tsume quipped with a smirk and walked over the two on the floor and exited the kitchen into the hallway.

"I'll tell old man Hiashi that we're stealing his daughter for the night. Don't do anything you wouldn't tell your mother about nah kiddies!"

Tsume called before she disappeared from view. An awkward silence took over.

"Well... see you guys later."

Hana said awkwardly and waved as she power-walked out the kitchen leaving the two alone.

Kiba grunted determined to squeeze away from Hinata.

Hinata rolled off of him feeling kind of hurt.

When Kiba stood up he brushed himself off and turned back to Hinata to see her staring at him with big eyes.

As soon he caught her staring she looked away.

"Hinata is there something you want to say."

Kiba said before he could've stopped himself.


She answered softly looking off to the side.

"Fine with me."

Kiba said his eyes darting around as he awkwardly held his hand out to help her up.

She blushed and giggled and quickly jumped up and hugged him nearly throwing him off balance.

"Would you quit doing that!? *grumbles* hopefully you won't do this crap while I sleep..."

He bellowed and folded his arms while she clings to his neck.

"Now you know I wouldn't do that. "

Hinata said and puckered her lips in a cute pout.

Blushing, Kiba bit his lip as he got lost in thought not realising Hinata was already dragging him to his room. When he finally noticed he was moving he glanced behind him to see Hinata pushing him forward. He sighed and took footing to walk it causing Hinata to fall flat on her face.

"Are you okay Hina-chan?"

Kiba asked as he stared down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes I'm fine."

She mumbled as she got up.

"*groans* I'm so clumsy... That's probably why you don't love me...Do you love me Kiba-kun?"

Hinata's question was sudden and so was Kiba's harsh answer.

"Hinata if you don't love me why would I love you."

He said coldly as he left the stunned girl in the hallway.

Hinata was left speechless.


Bitten by the love bug [KibaHina]Where stories live. Discover now