Chapter Six

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It Has Begun
Chapter Six
Feel Distrust and Betrayal; Know Terror

Savanna hissed and bit down on her tongue, the touch leaving a burning sensation on her left hand. "Son a bitch," she then muttered through clenched teeth.

"I know it hurts, I've had my fair share of 'exchanges' with things - or people." Leo quickly grabbed a clean piece of gauze, poured water on it, and was about to wipe the brunette's hand with it but stopped. "Don't even," she growled. "Just get on with it. It's not even that bad." The Amsel nodded and gently wiped the dried and fresh blood from the Reese's hand, earning yet another hiss. "Hey, relax," Leo said, his time uncharacteristically smooth and soothing. The brunette nodded and let a deep breath escape her, her tensed muscles relaxing. "I'm almost done, don't worry." Savanna hummed, waiting for the Amsel to grab another clump of gauze and pour the alcohol on it so he could properly clean her busted knuckles. Leo shook his head. "You dumbass," he breathed. "What did you do, punch a brick wall? You're lucky you didn't break your hand!"

"It was stone, not brick...."

Leo rolled his eyes, chuckling a little as he held the gauze in his hand. "Alright, this is gonna hurt like a bitch. You ready?" The Reese nodded in response to his question, the room dead silent. The Raven grabbed the brunette's palm firmly with his right hand, the piece of gauze in his left. "Three.... two... one!"

Savanna bit her lip as she felt the stinging of the alcohol in her wounds,  her hands clenching, which meant her left hand gripped onto the back of the Amsel's hand, the other catching a fistful of her pant leg. She let her clothing go and brought her free hand to her lips, biting on her fingernail. "I take it you're planning on bandaging it?" Savanna lowly spoke, now releasing her fingernail from her clenched teeth.

"Yeah. When I'm done, I'll have to do something about your face," he muttered.

"Oh right, I forgot I took a punch for your sorry ass!"

"Why did you do it, though? I would've dodged it, asshole!"

"I dunno, dickwad, I just did!"

Leo chuckled and nodded, just finishing cleaning up her hand, Savanna immediately relaxing. Silently, he grabbed bandages and coiled them around her hand. "Let me take care of your busted face, eh?" Leo spoke, spinning in his chair, the rusty wheels screeching, while he grabbed more gauze. "It's not that bad; I can do it myself," the brunette muttered.

"Let someone else do something for you for once," Leo shot back, not bothering with sparing the Reese a glance, instead pouring alcohol on it.

"What's that s'posed to mean?"

"Forget it; it doesn't matter."

Savanna watched the male focus as he did whatever it was he was doing, which was seemingly searching for something. "What are you looking for?" The Amsel didn't respond to her question, since he was very focused. Leo growled and scoffed before he threw the matter to the side and began to work on the left corner of her lips, grabbing her chin with one hand and using cotton to dab the cut with the other. "Woah," he muttered. "That chick must've been wearing a damn ring, from the way it looks..." He gently wiped her lip, cleaning the blood and disinfecting the wound. Savanna hissed as this unfolded, but that was the only form of misery she showed. "You know..." Leo trailed off, intently focusing on his task. "You need a haircut; I can hardly see your eyes." He squinted his eyes, regretting his decision to speak to her. "Actually, wait no, don't respond to that," he added quickly.

The Reese rolled her eyes at the boy, stifling a scoff. She looked at the Amsel, her minty eyes screaming the familiar, "You're a dork," when his own caught her gaze. His lips parted in a miniature smile before his gaze fell back to her lips, still swabbing the busted tissue with the gauze in his left hand, her chin between the digits of his right hand. "Alright, I'm done," he said, inspecting the job he had done and moving her head side-to-side. Leo stared intently at her lips before he bit his lip harshly and let her go; he quickly stood up. Savanna, noticing the difference in the Amsel male, sighed and crossed her arms. "Oi, you alright?"

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