Chapter Nine

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It Has Begun
Chapter Nine

"Did Mikasa Ackerman happen to remind you of someone, Brother?"

"So, you noticed it, too."

"Yes, she's oriental. Specifically, she is half-oriental. She graduated at the top of the class, too..."

"Top of the class, huh? Tch." Leo narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows, his teeth gnawing on the inside of his cheek.

'Why didn't Savanna graduate at the top of the class?'

"I suppose making an enemy out of her would be a pretty big fuckup on our end, then. We'll have to be sure to take extreme precautions when it comes to moving with or around her," Leo then muttered bitterly. "Oh, and we're supposed to find Jäger, right? I find it hard to believe that he's a shifter. He hardly passed the aptitude test, from what I've heard. Is it really possible for him to control a Titan?"

Luther shook his head and sighed at his brother's words. "That statement is influenced by false views from Ciara and Grier," he reprimanded, pushing his glasses further onto his nose. "Their view on that topic is far too negative; they make it look like something it isn't. From Grier's extensive experiments, it is very difficult to come to the conclusion that mastering that power would be easy. For the same reason, we cannot assume that it would take mere days, either. It may take quite some time and a lot of training before one is 'adjusted' to it. Even then, the promise of success isn't a steady one. All of this is assuming that the person can, one, actually gain the power of Titan-blood; second, the person can maintain sanity, and not end up a mindless monster like every other Titan; and three, no one finds out about it. It's all simple, really, how it works. So, considering that we don't know anything about him or his past, it is very well possible. Just as a purpose and drawn blood draws in the Titan's roar, practice and ability is the base of it all; and, possibly, the right blood. Which often brings the question of whether or not the Tainted can-"

"Would you shut it," Leo interrupted. "I didn't ask for a damn lesson! I asked if it was really possible!"

"Yes, it is possible. He may very well be a Titan-shifter," Luther drawled. "It hasn't been reported yet; Ciara and Grier both know nothing. Savanna wants it to stay that way. She supposedly has a plan."

"One that will bite Exitium and Deleriti in the ass?"

"I presume so... Now, before we embark on a search for Eren Jäger... I wanted to tell you something..." Luther slightly gulped; he knew his brother wouldn't be happy with his decision of saving the woman's life. It wasn't that he wouldn't be too pleased about that in particular, it's just that Leo wouldn't be too fond of how he did it. He took the older Amsel's bored yawn as a sign that he was listening, and so he cleared his throat.

"I, erm, did something... that may or may not be forbidden... and may or may not have extreme consequences... to not only myself but someone else..."

Yet again did Leo's eyes narrow and brows furrow, but for the first time did he grit his teeth. "What'd you do?" He glared at his twin from the corner of his eye, clearly displeased. This was a telltale sign that Leo could probably guess what Luther was going to say. But in order to keep himself from "losing his cool" and preventing himself from assuming an answer too quickly, he wanted to make the younger twin say it. It was similar to what he often did with the "halfwits," as he would put it, under his position in Ciara's stronghold.

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