Chapter 2: Children

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Orphan sat in the middle of a circle of children with her hands being held by white, "I consider them my brothers and sisters even though we are not related by blood." he said with a smile.

It was very nice that White thought that way, Orphan looked at them one by one, "Hello, I'm Orphan." she greeted them with a small wave, some returned it while others didn't. It made her feel a bit awkward.

White gave Orphan a sudden tug to the floor, "I want you to lie down with us again!" some children nodded to his ideas, while others did not make a sound. They probably did not trust her, that made sense though since they were old enough to have their guard up.

"W-wait, I know you guys don't have real names but White told me you all had code names, can you tell me what they are?" she wanted to call these children what they were comfortable with, otherwise Orphan would have to keep referring to them as 'children'.

The girl who brought her to the room crossed her arms and tried to keep herself warm, "Yes we don't have real names, we just don't have any care for that. It's a bit unnecessary to address each other that way."

A little girl the age of seven raised her hands, "I want to introduce myself first!" she looked Asian, with the small eyes, black hair, and pale skin, "My code name is Coocoo!" there was just one weird thing; she had purple eyes, "You're wondering about my purple eyes aren't you?" she asked with a bright smile.

Orphan was a surprised, "Well, yes.... why are they colored that way?" she was truly wondering. Asians.

Coocoo giggled and pointed at her purple irises, "I have a special disease that only girls can have, this turns your eyes purple after a few months of being born. Side effects include no period but still being fertile, there were more but I don't remember. It does not make me die or anything, and it does not hurt me at all."

That was a very lucky disease to have, Orphan wished that she had it too, "That sounds very rare..."

Another boy the age of twelve raised his hand excitedly, "I want to be the next one to introduce myself!" he cleared his throat and straightened his face expression, "My code name is Joke." his hair was curly, light brown, and a small part of it was tied to a small pigtail, his eyes were black, and he had pale skin, "Try to be friends with me and you will laugh to death before you hear a thing." there was silence, "I was just joking... don't take it so seriously."

Orphan laughed a bit and covered her mouth, "I'll keep that in mind, Joke." what an entertaining child.

A thirteen year old boy on her right caught her attention by waving slowly, "Hey, in this place I'm called Second, it's pretty lame but they're stuck with it."

With a grin on her face, Orphan said, "So you're like second in command because you're the second oldest? Is that why you're called 'Second'?"

Second sent her a killer handsome boy smirk and clicked his tongue, "Right you are there, beautiful."

He was quite the charmer wasn't he, and he probably broke a lot of hearts too, "I guess I'm next," it was a twelve year old girl, "My name is Silly..." she had black hair that shined as blue in the light and grey eyes, she gave of a mysterious aura around her.

Joke slung his arm around Silly's shoulder and pinched her cheek with his free hand, "She's like my twin sister since we both grew up together our whole lives!" Silly didn't seem to mind the small pain she felt from Joke's minor abuse.

The oldest in the room, the girl that brought her here, flicked Joke's head and said, "Cut it out," after he stopped she cleared her throat, "My name is Oldest." well Orphan saw that coming.

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