50. Christmas

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"I have everything already in the car, Kel. Ready when you are!" You don't have to tell me twice! Three days in a hospital bed is more than enough for me. I carefully sit down in the wheelchair and grab Ashton's hand. I hate having to go in a wheelchair, but it's hospital rules for every patient being discharged.

When we get to Ashton's car, he helps me up and I cautiously hug my dad and Mark goodbye. "I'll see you guys tomorrow," I tell Dad. It's Christmas Eve, and I forced Ashton to keep our plans to go to his house for Christmas Eve. He helps me into the car since I'm still really sore and it's hard to walk at times, then closes the door behind me. He runs around to the driver's side, climbs in the car, and pulls away slowly.

"Ash, you don't have to drive like a grandma! I'm okay." Seriously, he is driving so dang slow! I just want to get there and get out of the car. I'm trying to keep my fears from every car near us to myself, and the slower he drives, the longer it takes!

"I just don't want to take chances, ya know babe?" he answers shyly.

"The sooner I'm out of the car, the happier I'll be. Please just drive normally." I take his hand, squeezing it tight so he gets the message and he speeds up to normal speed. Thank you!

As soon as we pull into the driveway, I'm opening the door and climbing out. Being in the car made me feel trapped, like a caged animal and I just need out right now.

"Hold on Kel, let me help you."

"I just need out. Now," I explain as I start to maneuver myself out of the car. It hurts like hell, but not as much as the fear of being inside a car. Ashton runs around to me and takes my arm, helping me out. My ribs are what hurt the most, making movement so painful. My arms and face are still really bruised, but they're already starting to heal.

"I'm not going to freak Harry out looking like this, am I?" I ask. Anne had brought Lauren over yesterday to see me at the hospital, but she left Harry at a friend's house.

"No, babe, he'll be fine. Mum just didn't know how bad you were and didn't want to scare him if you looked worse than you do. He'll be fine, you look beautiful." I snort at him, intentionally. Beautiful my ass! But his kind words do make me feel better, so I don't reply to his lie. I'll take all the warm and fuzzy feelings I can get right now.

When we walk in the door, Lauren and Harry come running over to us. Ashton stops them before they can hug me, explaining that only very light hugs are allowed.

"Uh, Kelly?" Harry starts to ask before he gets the same devilish grin that Ashton gets. "You know it's Christmas, not Halloween, right?" Little smartass! I start to laugh at him, but then wince in pain and have to stop.

"Are you okay?" Ashton and Harry ask me at the same time. I just nod my head and catch my breath for a moment before answering.

"It just really hurts to laugh. I'm fine, though. Honest." I finally tell them.

We make our way inside and the house smells amazing. Anne must've been cooking all week, but as soon as we're in the living room, she comes out of the kitchen to greet us. She leans in to give me a hug, and Ashton tells her to be careful. She scolds him with her eyes and he apologizes to her.

"Sorry mum, I know that you know what you're doing, I'm just..."

"Worried. I get it Ash. Just relax. She'll be fine." Thank you Anne! I love how concerned Ashton is about me, but I'm not made of glass. "Now go make yourselves at home while I finish dinner."

Ashton helps me into the recliner, which I argue with at first because I just want his arms around me, but I finally give in. If I were to go on the couch, I'd never be able to get up. I feel like I'm 80 right now and it sucks.

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