59. Dayum Girl

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Breakfast was great. All five of us were laughing and joking around with each other like we always have. Ashton was a little quieter than usual, but it's understandable. I caught him watching me, a lot. But that's okay, because I was watching him a lot, too. My whole reasoning behind being friends first is to help us get past the awkwardness. We're getting there.

After breakfast we all return to our rooms to pack and leave for the venue. I'm getting excited because it's been two months since I was behind the mixer. I can't wait to get back there again. It only takes me a minute to pack up my things, since it was just overnight, but Mikey's stuff is everywhere. Apparently they've been playing musical hotel rooms, switching roommates around all week, but Mikey refused to change rooms. Everyone else had to change. Bad mistake.

By the time we are certain we have everything packed, Ashton, Calum, and Luke were all in our room waiting. I needed all four of them to back me up for when I first see Harry, so they all agreed for us to go down together.

We take the service elevator down this time to the freight deck where we are to wait for the cars. The 1D guys are already there when we arrive and as soon as Harry spots me, he hides. Chicken shit.

I take Ashton's hand, interlacing out fingers together and look at Ash. The spark is still there and we both feel it. I gather my strength from that as together we walk over to Harry. Louis pushes him out from behind him, forcing Harry to be face to face with us.

"I'm, I'm sorry Kelly. Please don't punch me again."

"I want you to tell Ashton, sober this time, EXACTLY what happened. Right now." After stumbling with his words a bit, he finally told him every detail, something I know hadn't been done yet.

"And I'm really sorry, to both of you. I promise I will never do anything like that again." he concludes.

"Oh, I know you won't. And do you know how I know that? Because for the rest of tour, you're going to fly me out to you guys every other weekend." Harry's mouth gapes open,


"No buts, Harry. Every other weekend. If not more. And if you don't, I will spread all over every social media platform how much of a scumbag asshat you are, that you had to force yourself on someone who was in the most amazing relationship ever because you can't get a girl of your own."

"You..You wouldn't!"

"Oh, but I would! I testified in court against my best friend. I sent Michael's ex-girlfriend to jail for two years. Trust me, this isn't an empty threat. You drove us apart, took two months away from Ashton and I, you're going to help give it back to us." Just then, the SUVs arrived and Ashton and I climb in. As soon as we're seated, I remove my hand from Ashton's.

"See you later Harry!" The other three guys climb in and as soon as the door closed, all five of us break into hysterical laughter.

"Dayum Girl!!!" Michael says between his laughs! I look Ashton in the eyes and smile.

"You really mean what you said?" he asks quietly.

"Every single word."

"So, wait... Tracy went to jail?" Calum interrupts.

"Yeah. She plead guilty and got sentenced to two years.

"When did this happen?"

"About a month ago. And not a peep from Melanie either. Last I heard through the rumor mill is she moved to North Carolina."

"Every other weekend Tiger? You divorcing us?" What a dork!

"I still have to work, Mikey! I have rent to pay! I get most of my hours on the weekends." He opens his mouth to speak.

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