My dare and goodbye

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Ellie: Goodevening!! Ok guys since no one dared or ask. I have to tell you something.

Everyone: *listens*

Ellie: Today would be my last day. And I'm going to say goodbye and I hope I can see you in Sundays and Saturdays.

Hiro: Wwhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ellie: stop it dude!

Rossy: She needs to study again.

Honey: At least we do the dares and have fun! I guess.....

Ellie: And it's about school again!! Ugh!!

Fred: Then this should be our last night to hang out wi-*Gogo pinched him* OW OW!!!!

Gogo: This dosen't mean she's saying goodbye!

Ellie: Yeah and this dosen't mean it's over. I might guess someone will dare but no one. And It's time for me to dare!!

Hiro: Please not nonsense!!

Ellie: Ok. This dare is going to be awesome!!

Fred: Adventures?

Ellie: Yes!!

Gogo: Trouble?

Rossy: Yes!! Danger also?

Ellie: Not quite I guess. This dare is like testing all of you. And my favorite movies are The Maze Runner, Divergent, And The hunger games. And we have Merida here as our good archer and also Hiccup to teach us-

Mericcup: To survive? and using weapons.

Ellie: And yes! And the most important of all no using powers. And if some of you loses you will be watching us on the screen.

Elsa: How-

Ellie: Don't ask! I prepared and hard worked of this dare.

Elsa: Oh.

Hiccup: Ok let's get started.

Ellie: As fast as you can two hurry!!!


Ellie: Ok!! Now we learned everything!!

Hiro: So hard!!

Ellie: By the way don't use your suits Big hero 6. Only weapons.

Hiro: We were just about to plan about that!!

Ellie: Just to see. Ok let's go now!

Everyone: NOT READY!!!

Ellie: Me either!

few more minutes later-

Ellie: Ready?

Hiro: I guess.

Ellie: By the way partners!!

Tadoney: Us!!

Hiro: -_- Fine Tadashi.

couples were now partners-

Ellie: Ok! Jelsa, Mericcup, Tadoney. Except for Gogo and Rossy. Rossy I thought your my partner.

Rossy: I changed my mind!!

Ellie: -_- Ok! Fred and Wasabi..... 0_0 WHAT THE HELL??!!

Hiro: Me and you I guess.

Honey: *about to say something*

Ellie: Rules! no shipping allowed!

Honey: What the?

Ellie: Ok!! Let's goo!!!

Rossy: *used her powers as now a portal* Who'll go first?


Hiro: Let's just count! 1... *about to say 2&

Ellie: Whateves!! *runs to the portal*

Rossy: Me too!! *runs to the portal*

Others: *goes together in the portal*

Ellie: Were here!!

Wasabi: Woah...*looks around*

Ellie: Tell me who's scared of spiders here?

Wasabi: *slowly raises his hand*

Ellie: You are almost Alby!!

Wasabi: I know, I know.


Ellie: I guess we don't need to do shelter I guess?

Rossy: Ok!! Our weapons are in my bag! *gets her small bag*

Jack: How can all of our things would be fit-

Rossy: *upside down the bag and all the weapons falls to the ground* Sorry, What you saying?

Jack: Nothing.


Ellie: does punzie has a partner?

Punzie: Nope.

(note: Guys. I'm really in a hurry and let's just skipped. On Hunger Games)

Ellie: WHO will be our enemy?

Rossy: Piece of cake our bad sides!

Ellie: -_- Great. Will all split up.


Ellie: Ok seems we have fun! now goodbye!!

Hiro: Wait-

Ellie: *gone*

Hiro: This would be long day. With silence.


Ellie: Ok bye!! *gone*

Hiro: Ellie wait! How fast could she??!!!

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