I Came Back.

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Monday, 24 October 2016

Author: MUWAHAHAHA!!! I CAME BACK FROM PRISON!!! I'M FREE!!! BUT NOT REALLY CAME FROM PRISON. *clears throat* So hewwoooo readers. How long was I gone. It'd been a year! So here i Am! Our school has a semestral break for TWO WEEKS OH YEAH!!! I'LL UPDATE SOME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! BUT FIRST I'm going to surprise the big hero 6 and big 5 from my return so lets go guys! In the story!!

Ellie: Alright Fred, Are you ready for this??

Fred: Yep. Everything is all planned.

Ellie: Where's Jack?

Fred: Oh he told everyone that they're invited to some death invitation.

Ellie: Hope this prank won't gone wrong. Alright Fred, goodnight. Now close it.

Fred: You have asthma right?

Ellie: Yeah yeah. I'll survive I guess. Pray for me!

Fred: okay then. *closes the coffin where she is lying on* Be alive!

Ellie: *muffled inside* I will!!

--The next day--

Honey: Seriously? Why are we all attending to some person who died that we didn't even know?

Wasabi: Don't ask me. Ask Jack who told us.

Gogo: Well..*looks aroung the people who are with them* no crying or sad faces. But I'm hearing mumbling words like 'why are we all here?' 'Who the hell is this person?' And others.

Hiccup: Ughhhh, This is gonna be worst.

Priest: *came in* Goodafternoon. Lets all be seated.

Ellie: *inside the coffin*  *hears the priest* Wait wait. Oh, I'll come out like the jack in the box in the right time.

Priest: We are all here today for a loved one who... is he or a she?

Fred: A she. And her name is Rist. Rist Jonaine.

Elsa: Why do we have to go here, Jack?

Jack: Trust me. She's very close to us. I swear....

Elsa: *raised eyebrows* *then turns to listen to the priest*

Priest: *does the cross thing* From the father from the son from the holy spirit amen. So where is her family? Are you? *points at Big hero 6 ang Big 5 in the front row seats*

Merida: N-no we're not....

Priest: Then how come Your friend over here *points to fred* Knows who is this person right here? *gestures yo the coffin*

Gogo: Fred how'd you know?

Fred: Wait what no? Who says no?

Wasabi: *facepalms*

Jack: *mumbled* This is going no where...

Priest: No family member or love one of her? Raise those hands if there is.

People: *none of them raised*

Priest: Well lets bury her. *throws this ...I have no idea what this is called but its like an alcohol his using but not throwing it like....nevermind oh! Holy water like that!*

Ellie: wait what?

Some burrying guys: *carries the coffin in the the position of going down*

Ellie: Wait...ummm!! *thumps* oh no.. *breathing pace* I can't breathe!!! Wait I'm just saying that. *trying to caln the pace of her breathing*

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