Part 9

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When Jeff said he was ordering something light. He really did order something light. I can't imagine how soup is going to keep his (monster) metabolism up and running until dinner. I understand if anyone else can't finish a bowl of soup but him? His muscles would deflate.

"Oh, it's kinda good....." he said as he took another mouthful.

"You can always order another one," I whispered quietly. It was kinda sexy; the way his lips puckered slightly as the semi- liquid food in the spoon was brought to his mouth.

"It's actually really good!" he repeated with excitement shining in those blue orbs. He dipped the silverware in the bowl again and unexpectedly, held it out midair with the rounded tip of the spoon pointing towards me.


"Cass, you should try it!" he said enthusiastically.

I guess the energy of the mood was really affecting me because I actually pulled the face mask down and allowed my mouth to engulf the spoon.

"You're does taste nice!" I smacked my my lips.

"Want another mouthful?" he scooped up some more and held it out for me. Without thinking, I swallowed some more of the heavenly soup.

"What's this made of?"

"I don't know.....I just know it's their special today. You know what, I'm gonna order another one."

"Hmm? But we haven't finished this one....." I stopped midway.


I didn't want to steal his food! This is already so little to him and what more if I take..... NO. Another realization dawned.

We were sharing soup.

From the same spoon.

YIKES! I pulled my mask back up.

He didn't notice. See, I knew that wouldn't be enough (SERIOUSLY for a guy who can eat 8 sandwiches). He already abandoned the function of the spoon and just drank the whole thing from the bowl. His eyebrows twitched when he set the bowl down.

"You," he swiped his hand left to right over his face. I knew he was indicating the mask and I just gave a sigh. Somehow, he may HAVE understood that I wasn't really in a mood to talk and just nodded.

Then things got extra awkward when the waitress arrived with the order.

The bowl just sat in between the both of us, at the center of the table, neither of us touching it.

Finally, with a head scratch first, Jeff spoke:

"I ordered that for you, you know,"

"Yeah. Because I'm pretty sure that you don't want to share," I looked him in the eye as I said that.

"No! It's not that.....your sister told me you don't eat much. And you actually said the soup was tasty, so I ordered one more. For you."

".......Jeff....." I sighed. But in my mind, I was screaming Roxy's name. Speaking of Roxy, she was rather preoccupied with her goth of a friend. That goth girl was laughing with her. Not so goth now XD

"Please? I'll finish the rest kay? Don't need to stuff yourself. Just until you're satisfied," he said as he rummaged in his duffel bag and pulled out the novel he bought. "Call me when you're done." He flipped to the first page and started reading.

I eyed him closely to make sure his gaze really was fixed to the pages. After making sure he really was reading, I slowly revealed my face again. I don't even know what I'm so cautious about. He's seen my face before. Twice. Once out of accident and today out of......out of......going with the mood.

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