Chapter Fifteen: Everyone is know is insane. No one I know is normal

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"Good morning lovebirds."
"Shh... five more minutes," I mumbled, burrowing my face against Luke's chest.
"No can do," Ashton replied. "We have an interview in fifteen minutes and you're already behind schedule."
"Ugh." Luke groaned, getting up.
"Now I'm cold." I grumbled. "Michael get over here and cuddle."
"Why me?"
"Because you woke me up at 3 o' clock in the morning. Now, cuddle!"
Sighing, Michael laid down next to me and I wrapped my arms around him.
A few minutes later, Luke returned and he was not please at what he saw.
"What's going on here?"
"You left me, I got cold. This is my alternative.
"Michael, go away."
"You're so mean to me."
"Fine," Michael replied, getting up.
"You're mine and only mine. You know that right?" Luke said.
"I know."
"Can you do me a favor and carry me to the bathroom?" I asked.
He sighed and I hopped on his back.
"We have reached your destination, please get off." Luke said when he got to the bathroom.
"Gee thanks. What a gentleman."
Six hours later, the guys were surprisingly done for the day and we were off to my mom's house.

We were about a block away when we could hear loud music blasting.
"Geez, who plays their music this loud?" Ashton commented.
"It's probably my mom. She loves her music loud, but then she says that I need to lower my volume."
"Sounds fun."

Finally, we reached my mom's house and my suspicions were right. My mom's house was pretty much vibrating because of how loud the music was.
"Woah, this place brings back memories." I said, knocking on the door.
"Mom! It's me!"
"Don't you remember? I'm your only child. You love me to death."
"I'm pregnant?"
"Ugh!" I groaned, walking over to the side of the house.
"Zel, where are we going?"
"The side gate. The lock's broken so technically, it's always open. This was my best friend during my teenage years." I replied, walking up to the gate. "Let's hope my mom hasn't changed it." I pulled the pack lock down and it opened with ease. I turned around and said, "I warn you guys. Almost everyone in my family is short. I'm one of the tallest."
Luke snorted. "5'4" is tall?"
"Shut up." I said, punching his arm. I took a deep breath and we walked into my mom's backyard.
"What's up bitch?" A red head cried, noticing me.
"Spencer! Language!" My mom yelled, glaring at her.
"Sorry. What is up my kind and lovely friend. Better?" Spencer corrected.
Rolling my eyes, I replied, "Hey cracker."
"No need to be rude." She said, walking up to me and hugging me.
"Gosh, I've missed your demented humor." I said, still hugging her.
"Move Spencer so can hug my daughter." My mom said, pushing Spencer.
"Hi mommy." I said.
"Hi mamita." She beamed, hugging me.
"I like being taller than you." I mumbled.
"Oh shut up." She said, pushing me away.
I turned around to see the guys awkwardly standing there.
"Guys, come over here. They don't bite... hard."
"Speak for yourself." Spencer said, smirking.
"That's reassuring." Ashton replied.
"Sorry not sorry." She replied.
"So which one of you is dating my daughter?"
"Really mom? You don't even know who my boyfriend is?"
"Do you even know there names?"
"No idea."
"Really mom?"
"If they don't pay my bills, I'm not going to remember their names."
"Is that why you call me Zelina sometimes?" Spencer asked.
"Yup. Your names are unimportant." My mom replied.
"At least take a guess."
She looked at Calum and said, "Manuel?"
Oh gosh...
Next Michael. "Lucas?"
Someone kill me.
Ashton. "Um... Carlos?"
Oh mother...
Lastly, Luke. "Adam."
"You failed miserably. You only got one name right, but you said it to the wrong person."
She looked at Luke and whispered, "Are you Manuel?"
"What? No mom, there's no Manuel in this band! This is Luke, my boyfriend and that's Calum, Michael, and Ashton."
"You do realize that I'm going to forget their names right?"
"I know and that's why I took the liberty to make these." I pulled four name tags out of my purse and stuck them on their foreheads.
"Thank you." My mom replied. "Now which one them is the boyfriend?"
"That would be Luke," I replied, with a sigh. This was gonna be a long day.
"So Luke..." She said, walking towards him.
"Yes?" He replied hesitantly.
My mom got very close to him and said, "Listen here. You break my daughter's heart, I break you. Your job is to respect, love, and care for my daughter. I'm a Hispanic mom. I have connections everywhere. I see everything. I hear everything. You break her heart, I can't assure that you'll wake up the next morning. Got it?"
"Is that a threat?"
"Oh no... That's a promise." She replied. Luke towered over her short 5"1' frame, but she looked way more intimidating.
"Mom, calm down," I said, slightly pushing her away.
"I've got my eyes on you Blondie." She warned.
"And that gentlemen is my mom." I muttered.
"Who is that?" Luke asked.
"That's my cousin Alejandro and his wife Andréa."
Who are they?"
"They are my cousins Victoria and Sofía. They're sisters."
"And who's the small child?"
"That's my cousin Felipe."
"You have a lot of cousins."
"This is even half." I replied.
My mom and Spencer invited well over 70 people and more where coming. Luckily most were coming with food.
"Geez, this is a lot of people."
"Yup and everyone expects me to personally introduce you to them."
"Cheer up, let's get food." I said, which made him smile.
We walked over to a huge fold out table covered in food next to the grill.
"Anticuchos!" I cried, grabbing a shish-kabob.
"It's a Peruvian thing. Just grab one, they're delicious." I replied grabbing two more along with barbecued corn on the cob.
Luke sat down and then I realized, there were no empty chairs. Rather than sitting on the dirt floor, so I sat on the arm of Luke's chair.
"What is this?" Luke asked, staring at the meat on a stick.
"It's cow, eat it." I replied, taking a bite. "See. It didn't kill me.'
Luke shrugged and took a bite. He was pleasantly surprised according to the expression he made.
"Wait- what part of the cow is this?"
"Um... Promise not to freak out?"
"No promises."
"It's... Um cow heart..." I replied.
"It could be worse. We could be eating Guinea pig... Not that I've ever eaten Guinea pig, but it's a weird Peruvian thing and... I'm gonna stop talking now..."
"I hate to admit it, but it's pretty good."
"See! What did I tell you?"
"I think I like it better when you're quiet."
"But you still love me."
"Whatever." I muttered.
"Zelina Rosario."
I turned around and smiled. "Hey Justin."
"Hello beautiful." He said, hugging me tightly.
"I've missed you. Where have you been?"
"Oh you know, Mulan, Paris, Tokyo..."
"No way!"
"Yes way. I got in! Soon every person in the world will be wearing, Aplesten Apperal and you better be wearing it too."
"Trust me, I will." I replied, noticing that Luke was very tense next to me. "So Justin. How's your boyfriend?"
"Chuck's doing well, even though he refused to get out of bed this morning. But enough of me. Who is this handsome man next to you?"
"Well Justin, as you know, this is my boyfriend Luke. Luke, this is one of my closest friends, Justin."
"Excuse me, but what happened to my official title of 'GBF'?"
"What?" Luke asked.
Laughing I replied, "Gay Best Friend. I use to call him that in high school after he came out. I can't believe you still remembered."
"Trust me, I'll never forget."
I sighed, "The warren's calling. I'll be back."
"Yes mom?"
"Go talk to your family."
"What happened to 'Friends are family that that you get to choose'?"
"They are, but your blood family has been bugging me for months about you. Now go."
"Rolling my eyes, I walked over to my cousin Bianca who was talking to my cousin Sebastian while holding her son, Christian.
"Hi Bea," I said walking up to Bianca.
"Hey Zel!" She said hugging me.
"That boyfriend of yours is really hot." "Thanks?"
"So, tell me about him. How is he like?"
The perks of having a Hispanic family, they don't keep up with American pop culture.
"He's really sweet, he makes terrible jokes, he's an amazing singer, and he's dressed, um... Perfect."
"No guy is 'perfect,'" she replied bitterly.
"Don't mind her. She's just grumpy that her boyfriend broke up with her the other day." Sebastian explained.
"Well that sucks,"
"I know right. Poor girl. Luckily, she's pretty so that helps her chances."
"I guess," I replied, walking over to my other cousins. Its going to be a long day.

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