The air raid

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I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or awake. My mind wasn't in the right place. Whenever I tried to think of something, anything, I just lost track. My eyes flashed open and I peeped out of the blind and out on the street. Most of the other houses on my street had been destroyed by the Germans. Just as I was about to creep back under my blanket, a loud sound echoed throughout the east of London. The air raid was sounding. My mother frantically shook me and my brother and we hurried out to the shelter. My mother slammed the door shut and we all huddled under the table. The only light was a white candle burning slowly and steadily. My blanket was slung across the floor. The sound stopped and it was much quieter. Almost too quiet. The sound of bombs hitting the ground surrounded us. How long would this air raid last? A few hours... A whole night? I sat right, pulled the blanket over my legs and rested my head on my mother shoulder, with Dave, my younger brother on my lap. My eyelids fell together and I slept. I just hoped I'd wake up the next morning.

A/N Thanks for reading the first chapter! I know it's only short but I jut want to know I you like it. I was inspired to write this after we've been learning about world war 2. If you guys don't enjoy it then I won't continue with it. Don't forget to vote and comment!
Elsie xoxo

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