Some unexpected news

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I awoke to the sound of a loud thud. My eyes flashed open I saw that Dave had dropped a large suitcase on the dusty floor. "Hilda thank goodness your awake were going to be late!" My mother said, frantically gavering things. "Late for what?" I asked still half asleep. "For the train of course!"
"Yes love. You are being evacuated today."
I held my head in shock. I didn't want to be evacuated. All of my best friends had already left London, and I hear the countryside is terrible. "No please don't!" I yelled whilst being forced into getting dressed. My mother just pulled me out of the shelter. I screamed and screamed but it was no use. I was being evacuated and there was nothing I could do about it!
Dave noticed my stress and starting weeping into his little teddy. My mother had caused us true sadness. 🎊❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌
We arrived at the station and sobbing children surrounded us. The train was in fact waiting for everyone to board. "Come on dear don't cry." Mother said, fiddling with my collar and tying a tag around my neck. Allowing one tiny tear to slip out of her eye and trickle down her cheek, she kissed me and Dave on the forehead. A tall man with glasses hurried us into the train, moaning about a time schedule. Obediently, we have our mother one last hug and climbed aboard. Of course, we sat together, and cuddled our toys. Outside the window we saw mother again, and this time she was crying too. Dave wrapped his little arms around me. He doesn't understand why he has to leave his home. A river of tears streamed down my flaming red cheeks and I cried myself to sleep as the train pulled away from the station.

A/N so what did you think? I have been enjoying writing this and I think it's been quite emotional so far! Here are some questions that will be answered in the next few chapters:
- who will look after Hilda?
- will Hilda stay with her brother?
- will the children enjoy countryside life?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2016 ⏰

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