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"Hills, what the fuck have you done last night?"  ~ Ally was saying to herself, holding her forehead and taking a sip of her coffee the next second ~

"Can you come to Starbucks like ASAP? I'm in deep shit, Danny."  ~ Ally said freaking out ~

"Oh, thank God!" ~ Huge relief showing on her face ~

~ Ally was smiling like crazy all by herself, she was thinking deeply...At some points she was just blushing and so very embarrassed. She was staring at her coffee, when Danny appeared ~

" I sense awkwardness, Hills, spit it out! "  ~ Said Danny laughing and hugging Ally ~

" Morning to you too sunshine!" ~ Ally tried to change the subject ~

" So you're doing better? " ~Danny asked looking much more serious ~

" Yeah, I don't wanna talk about that, actually I need your advice " ~ She was serious at the beginning and as she got to the end of her sentence she was smiling widely ~

" Hills, you are scaring me"  ~ He said laughing ~

" Oh, Danny I'm much more scared of myself than ever" ~ She said all shy and embarrassed ~

" I'm really curious now " ~ He said raising his left eyebrow taking a sip of his coffee ~

" Ok...so I will tell you the story but please don't interrupt me even if what you will hear will be crazy "  ~She said in a convincing tone ~

" Last night I was really upset, you know because everything...I went to a club and got like really drunk. Some girl tried to hit on me but I just got frustrated and incredibly sad so I went to the beach for a walk. I started to get sober so I started to be more miserable than expected so I went and bought two bottles of vodka" ~ Danny interrupted her ~

" Two fucking bottles, Ally, are you fucking crazy? " ~ Danny was shocked ~

" Danny trust me you will need to handle worse than vodka in this story "  ~she said laughing ~

"Oh, Jeez!" ~ He said drinking a bit of coffee ~

"Alright...So I drank the first bottle, but I spilled some of it as I was drunk so didn't really have control over my actions...After it was completely empty I started laughing like an idiot and 'broke up' with it ( Danny was wondering how this information was relevant but didn't want to interrupt her) and tried to throw it in the ocean. I did throw it, only I kinda fell and couldn't get up. Sooo what was my decision to do next? Lay on my back facing the ocean. I think I must've looked dead or I don't know because, Danny here comes the twist, a smoking hot girl appeared. Now thinking back she was probably just you know checking if I was alive. And from here my memory mixes things up cause I think she left then I got the next bottle out then she drank with me and I just really don't know what was real and what wasn't cause you know...I think we did stuff " ~ She remembered ~

"Hills, you perv...Oh, maaan.....Wow, I don't even know where to start so what do you think are the stuff you've done, Hills? " ~ Danny was curious ~

"Well, when she checked on me if I was dead or not I kinda pulled her closer and got her on top of me, and after that I got on top of her, but hey Danny I swear it was pure defense." ~ She said trying to be convincing ~

"Defense, sure!"  ~ He said laughing ~

" So after she left and came back I was singing and she kissed me and I think, we might have gone further " ~ She said in an uncertain voice ~

"No fucking way!!! You got laid getting drunk the girl who thought you were dead and wanted to save your life" ~He was laughing so loud everybody from Starbucks was staring at them ~

" Danny it wasn't like that, she was different we had a connection even drunk, like something I've never really experienced ". ~ She tried to explain him ~

" Ally, are you fucking joking right? Hills, you are a player you don't have connections with people who get in your bed, talking about that where did you do it? On the beach??? Like publicly? " ~ He was really curious ~

" Danny, I have no idea what happened it was strange as fuck. I don't think it wasn't on the beach...I woke up on the backseat of my own car. I don't even know if this whole shit is real. Maybe I just got fucking drunk and got in my car and fell asleep. ". ~ She said frustrated  ~

"Well, Hills this is now our mystery, so we have to find out, saying she's hot, huh? " ~ He asked smiling ~

" Danny you'd get it if you ever saw her " ~ She said obviously thinking about her ~

"Do you remember her name? " ~ He had a good point ~

" So...I called her angry lady and kept calling her lady till she told me her name which was...Sss--...Shit! Sarah? No, hell no! Stella? No...Shit!! I know! Stevie!" ~ She was so excited she remember, and it felt more real ~

"Well, Hills I've never seen you like this so she better be hot" ~ He said honestly. ~

"You couldn't even dream, Danny! " ~ She said daydreaming ~

~ The person who entered Starbucks made Danny stare and Ally almost  get a panic attack. It was exactly Stevie. ~

End of Part 3

This chapter was mainly the silence before the storm. Tell me what you think about the whole story, or just this chapter in the comments. Thanks for reading it!

Karma's a bitch (Stevie and Ally)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant