14 Lucas

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Everyone will kill me if the find out. I have to find the perfect way to let them know I let him stay in the basement. I'll tell them tonight right after dinner. I'll make sure Nicci is in bed before I drop the bomb, I don't want her stressed out. He was in fact my best friend, I couldn't just let him die of starvation or the cold, could I? I didn't want to, I didn't have to, did I? How do you tell an entire house of people that you let their arch enemy stay in the basement? Hopefully they understand, I have to act normal, everyone keeps looking at me.

"Lucas, are you all right? You're sweating like a dog." Ashlyn asked suspiciously

"No, no it's all I think I just need to lay down for a little while." When I walk into my room I see my beautiful girlfriend sprawled across the bed, already sleeping.

"Oh, I can't hurt her. She has been through so much." I walk to the basement very cautiously, watching every nook and cranny, watching for people peeping and looking.

"Toby! You have to write a letter to every person who lives here and apologize. Apologize for everything you put them through. If you don't it's back to living with the rest of the swine outside."

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