Chapter 4

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Lisanna decided to go for a walk to she took a quick shower and changed into a A gray shirt with black shorts and some sneakers then she was off, She had to be very careful Mira was not a deep sleeper Elfman o the other hand was always saying 'Deep sleeping is MANLY' and stuff like that.
Lisanna carefully went down stairs and sighed getting to the bottom she walked to the front door...

But something was wrong.


Lisanna grabbed the nearest object closet to her which was an umbrella she took a breath and crepped toward the kitchen she hid being the plant

"This is just like the Movies I watch" Lisanna thought

She ran and flicked on the lights

"FOR NARNia?" She said

"Lisanna Why are u awake so early"

"Elfman? Why are YOU awake"


"Oh what a relief" Lisanna signed sitting down "I'm going back to bed" Elfman kissed Lisanna forhead and headed upstairs "i was just worked up over nothing"

Lisanna sighed once agian she got up got her jacket and headed out the door, Lisanna took in the air and exhale "such a beautiful morning" She though to herself, she started jugging around until she got to the park, she raised her eyebrows "His scarf" she ran it was under the tree

"Lis?!" Lisanna looked up "your kidding me right?" Lisanna shook her head "why are you up on a tree?" "Don't know I guess I like climbing trees?" Lisanna laughed at the Natsu silliness "come up there plenty of room" Natsu grinned

Lisanna shrugged she started to climb the tree when she almost slipped, Natsu quickly with out hesitation caught her arm "I got you" he pulled her up "Thanks" Lisanna smiled "sure"

They look out as the sun rose it was such a great feeling as the sun touched there faces.

"Urm.. Lis?" "Hm?" "How come... how come you never asked me why i felt?" Natsu said now looking at the white haired beauty "I didn't think it was my place to know" She replied still looking forward up in the sky "oh."

There was a long awkward silence---

"I um.. I want to go back to the way we were" Natsu blurred out, Lisanna arched her eyebrows "what does that mean?" "I mean we don't um talk as much and stuff" Said a flustered Natsu, Lisanna mouthed and 'o'

Then came along Gray.

In lisanna eyes he was her savior the awkwardness was too much, but in Natsu's eyes he was a bother like always.

"What the hell?" Gray said looking up at the tree "oh hi gray" Lisanna waved, Gray looked at Natsu since he was giving him the 'Get-away-or-ill-hurt-you' look, Gray smirked and decided to have a little fun.

"Hey Lisanna I know your still a little new to Magnolia, why don't I show you around its morning and the streets won't be as busy how about it?" Lisanna thought for a second while Natsu was filled with anger, she jumped down from the tree and smiled

"Sure! Why not? I barely get to go anywhere became Elfman and Mira are always on me" Gray looked up and Natsu who's face when all puffed up, he raised his brown and grabbed Lisanna hand "well let's go!" Lisanna smiled and they walked

Until she turned back too look up at Natsu

"Maybe we can hang out later, Natsu-sii" With that her and Gray legs leaving a furious Natsu

"Natsu-sii.." Natsu mummbled. He hated when she called him that it was too formal

Natsu jumped down from the tree and frowed his brows "That bastard" he picked up his scarf continuing his morning jug




With Lisanna on his mind of course.

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